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AMANA132.ZIP 1997-10-27 00:00 360KAdrenal Manager v1.32 Graphical filemanager for MS-DOS & Win95
BOOTPA20.ZIP 1996-08-24 00:00 20KBOOTPART 2.0 : Boot Partitition for winnt. Easy tool to add a partition to the Windows NT multi boot menu (for example, OS/2 boot manager or Linux partition). NEW : Easy addition of Dos6.22 and Win95 in winnt menu, repair the winnt boot sector. Small freeware from G. Vollant (WinImage). Web : homepages/gvollant/othertl.htm
DK050.ZIP 1995-07-28 00:00 378KDisKing Version 0.5.0 (alpha), keyboard based File Manager replacement. Win95/NT
DKLITE_I.ZIP 1996-10-13 00:00 1.2MWindows NT 4.0 Disk Defragmenter. Free DEMO.
DOSLFN21.ZIP 1997-03-11 00:00 46K(v2.1) DOSLFNBK: Win95 Long Filename Backup. Backs up Win95 long filenames and attributes from DOS or a DOS window. This allows you to use older DOS-based backup and archive programs with Win95. It also makes it possible to recover from a catastrophic disk crash without re-installing Win95 first. Runs in DOS or Win95. Shareware.
EAC98.ZIP 1997-01-15 00:00 3.0MExtreme Access 98. Uusi tiedostojenhallinta ohjelma Windows95 koneisiin.
FMSUNT.ZIP 1995-06-04 00:00 163KFile Manager StepUp v.3.30 for Win NT featured in Windows Magazine, Windows User, Windows World, etc., FM StepUp makes your File Manager work better: provides history lists & 3D effects for dialog boxes, etc.
FNDUP122.ZIP 1997-10-08 00:00 186KFindDupl - Windows 95/NT program to help recover disk space. Shows files which are duplicated across one or more disk drives, and allows you to delete the duplicate files. Borland Delphi 3.01 with most source.
GRBACK18.ZIP 1996-12-11 00:00 273Kgrback Cross Backup for Windows 95/NT V1.80. This Full Functional Shareware 32-bit program can help you maintaining your important data. It recreate your source directory tree into the destination drive and for every directory it create a PKZIP compatible (with long file name support) archive. Fully customizable: include, exclude files, skip directories. Fully Microsoft System Agent aware. Quick. Support network and removable drives.
MSLOCK20.ZIP 1997-05-13 00:00 449KDATA SECURITY PLUG-IN for MICROSOFT OFFICE 95 & 97. TSS OfficeLock 2.0 protects files on desktop or laptop PCs, on networks, and over the Internet. OfficeLock AUTOMATICALLY decrypts files when opened and encrypts them again when they're closed. Prevent intruders from opening or changing your secured WORD, EXCEL, ACCESS, and POWERPOINT files. Uses the unbreakable PGP data encryption engine. 32 Bit software for Win 95 & Office 95 / 97.
PGP50I.ZIP 1997-11-30 00:00 2.6M.
PGP50W95.EXE 1997-06-12 00:00 3.5MPGP v5.0 for Win95
RENAME.ZIP 1998-07-12 00:00 620KTHE Rename v1.0b [592k] 9x/NT FREE. A few of you were clamoring for a good renaming utility, so I found one. This proggie does just about anything you'd want a good renamer to do (and then some). You can rename several files quickly--and in a variety of ways. It has so many features that I'd almost have to devote an entire issue to describing them. THE Rename is still in development--be sure to send in your comments and suggestions! THE Rename - Beta 1.3 - Freeware by Herve Thouzard - July 1998 Description This program allow you to rename simply and quickly files with many options. You can add counters (in decimal, hexadecimal and octal), search and replace text, replace prefix with file's content, convert names to upper or lower cases, invert letters, invert cases, replace name with system date and time or with file's time and date. Support long filenames.
REPW201.ZIP 1996-12-23 00:00 789KReplicator For Windows v2.01 - Replicator is a disk image utility used to create images of diskettes and catalog them in a database. Recreate disks easily. The database stores a description and file list for each diskette. Modify database entries at any time. Network support included. Also includes DMF support. Version 2.01 adds options to rename images and test compressed image files.
SC97F10.ZIP 1997-03-25 00:00 2.3Msmartcat97 for Windows 95/NT (V1.0). A sophisticated Windows archiving and cataloging tool. Helps keep track of floppy disks, Zip disks, CDs etc. Fully integrated with Windows Explorer, its sophisticated archiving functions make it indespensible for users of Zip drives and similar. Powerful searching functions with wildcards means you'll never lose a file again!
SMTCAT19.ZIP 1995-12-08 00:00 299KThe ultimate Windows Disk/CD Cataloger. MDI, ZIP, ARJ support. Multiple mergeable catalogs
SPLITZ10.ZIP 1996-03-28 00:00 116KSplitz v1.0 for Windows 3.x/95/NT: Splitz is a Windows utility that allows you to split and join files into parts, you can specify the size or split them exactly at 3.5 or 5 1/4 floppy sized chunks. Handy when you want to move large files to floppies.
SWSETUPX.ZIP 1996-09-19 00:00 790KAn interpreter that can proccess a lot of functions for examble installation's over the network or program distribution for Windows, Windows 95 and Windows NT. You can copy files from a WWW-Server. You can copy files from or to an FTP-Server. You can use Swsetup as CGI-Application, for example: Counter, create/modify Userdata, view Files or Directorys, etc.
UNMNT10.ZIP 1995-02-25 00:00 18KMNT - lists and/or mounts Drives in Windows NT Version 1.00
VD2E.EXE 1998-02-26 00:00 1.3MFarstone Virtual Drive 1998 (30day demo) in any words is a CD Rom emulator. It takes the CD that you place in your drive and creates an image on your hard drive therefore allowing you to run it from there.
VRAM107T.ZIP 1996-10-13 00:00 38KVRAMDIR 1.07 for Win95. VRAMDIR is a dynamic 32-bit virtual RAM file system driver for Win95. Replaces RAM disks and speeds up hard-disk related operations.
WDIFF149.ZIP 1996-11-10 00:00 195KWDiff v1.49 - Win File/Dir/ZIP Diff. Side by side display of two text files, directories or ZIP archives. Useful for programmers to see the differences between two source text files or two sets of files, where one or both sets can reside in a ZIP archive. Line editing functions. DOS command line version (csdiff) also available. Shareware (US$ 35.- MC/Visa/AmEx/JCB). C.Sitte Softwaretechnik.
WINNC32A.ZIP 1997-06-16 00:00 802KWinnc v1.3a: Norton commander clone for Win95
WINSA321.ZIP 1997-05-22 00:00 270KWinsafe95: Advanced recovery utility for Win9
WNTDY202.ZIP 1996-04-16 00:00 129KWinTidy - Windows 95/NT program to help recover disk space. Finds backup, object, temporary files that might be candidates for deletion and allows the user to delete one or more of these files. Borland Delphi 2.0 with source.
WPRODEMO.EXE 1998-06-04 00:00 2.5MCD Wizard PRO - CD-R Software DEMO
ZTW120.ZIP 1997-06-17 00:00 191KZ T r e e W i n 1.20 - Win32 File Manager. ztreewin is a text-mode file/directory manager for Windows 95 and NT.It has been developed as a native Win32 alternative to the DOS product xtreegold (tm), now that its makers have abandoned further development. While I am sure you are well aware of the virtues of xtreegold, you know the disadvantages of it being a 16-bit DOS program. I wrote ztreewin to provide all the