Metropoli BBS files -
                     [root] /software/WIN32/NET/NEWS/

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AGNT32G.ZIP 1996-12-21 00:00 1.7MAgent Newsreader 0.99g 32bit
FA32-11.EXE 1997-04-15 00:00 1.0Mfree-agent 1.1 newsreader for win95
NR95033.EXE 1998-02-18 00:00 2.8MNews Rover v3.3. An excellent newsreader, you can specify different interests, each with their own criteria and newsgroups to search. The criteria can AND or OR, and be set to exclude or include messages that meet the criteria. The program can also autojoin multi-part messages, convert encoded binaries back to binaries, and even create thumbnail previews of downloaded files for fast management of the files you've downloaded.
SBN32_50.ZIP 1997-10-03 00:00 654Ksbnews: automated news robot. (32-bit version) Automatically download and uudecode from binary newsgroups. Many special features including thumbnails that display pictures during download and sophisticated lockout and spam rejection features. Comprehensive logging, statistics, and duplicate file rejection system. Built-in full-screen resizable JPEG viewer with slideshow and image categorization features. Supports
SLRN0945.TGZ 1998-03-07 00:00 307Kslrn versio news lukija joka toimii vms, os2 ja win95:ss„ haluaa mukaansa s-lang libraryn
TIFNY12.ZIP 1997-11-09 00:00 2.2MTifny v1.2. Automatically decodes images from usenet newsgroups. Win95.