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ADF_143.ZIP 1997-03-09 00:00 33KADF v1.43 - serial port FOSSIL driver for high speed modem users. Supports FIFO uarts 16550, 16650 and 16750, 115200 bps, any port, any IRQ, any FIFO trigger level, FOSSIL rev level 5 and multitasking environments (such as Windows 3, Windows 95 and OS/2).
COM66INS.EXE 1997-09-12 00:00 1.3MCom is a Telnet/Serial terminal emulator for Win95/NT. It can be used for contacting BBS systems, Dial-up servers, TCPIP - telnet BBS systems or just transferring files between friends.
DISCONTR.ZIP 1997-10-14 00:00 1.8MDisconnector Version Number: 1.2 10/10 Release. Revision Date: October 10, 1997 License: Shareware Description: Disconnector allows you to start downloading files from the Internet, and when all downloads are done - it disconnects you from your provider. NT Compatible.
EV950.ZIP 1995-10-11 00:00 783K950 Euroviesti V1.3 (Radiolinja Oy) Windows (myös '95) softa, jolla voit lähettää GSM puhelimeen tekstiviestejä. Ryhmälähetys, 500 nimen muistio jne... vapise TELE.
FAX_I386.ZIP 1998-05-20 00:00 669KBeta FAX support for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 WORKSTATION. SP2 or higher needed.
FAX_V519.ZIP 1997-05-10 00:00 743KComplete faxing program for Windows 3.1x, 95 and NT. Allows faxing from any program that can print. FaxMail for Windows makes creating high quality faxes as easy as printing. Includes a Fax/Modem-tester. -timed sends - broadcast queue holds 32,000 -works in DOS and Windows -GOOD help system -all functions very fast -background FAX printing
GETRT302.EXE 1997-11-23 00:00 661KGetright versio 3.02
GSMTEXTI.EXE 1995-03-30 00:00 327KTele GSM Teksti, Windows-versio Lähetä tekstiviestejä Telen GSM-puhelimiin omalta mikroltasi!
HTPE3.ZIP 1997-03-15 00:00 513KHyperTerminal 3.0 - Update of Win95 HyperTerminal. Supports also TCP/IP (Winsock API), so it can be used as a telnet client as well.
ILSAAIT.ZIP 1995-12-03 00:00 738KSääikkuna, Ilmatieteen laitoksen Windows -sääpalveluohjelma. Tuoreimmat satelliitti- ja tutkakuvat omalle mikrollesi. Osaa hakea kuvat itse.
KMN080.ZIP 1995-01-24 00:00 125K32 bittinen kermit Windowds NT /95 Emuloinnit Ansi, VT102 ja TTY. Käyttää TCPIP/WINSOCK tai sarjaporttia
MDMWELL.ZIP 1996-04-10 00:00 3.7KWindows '95 well modems configuration file Select do not detect modem and driver from diskette. This file is all you need to set up your modem for Windows '95.
MODEM520.ZIP 1997-05-22 00:00 39KFaxmodem Wizard v5.20. Fine tune your Modem and resolve COM-IRQ problems.
MODEMW10.ZIP 1997-01-01 00:00 368KModem Doctor for Windows Ver 1.0 - The power of Modem Doctor in the Windows program environment. Includes over 60 tests of your modem and serial port interface. Built-in INI editor makes setting up windows a breeze. Extensive Interactive Help file, Built-in Terminal automatic detection of port conflicts, report generator and much more!
MSISDN.EXE 1996-06-27 00:00 376KMicrosoft ISDN-Accelerator Pack for Win95
N2P703.EXE 1997-03-18 00:00 1.3MNet2Phone v.7.03
PERSIM12.ZIP 1996-12-30 00:00 798Kpersiman v1.2 - A utility to be used with Internet Mail and Internet News. This will allow you to set up Profile Sets so that you can change Mail and News settings on the fly without logging out/in of Windows. Allow for configuration of unlimited multiple pop3 server polling (simultaneous). Runs only in Windows 95 (Possibly Windows NT 4.0, but not tested). Feature packed. Requires 520 Kb of free hd. BirchWare - $15 Check / Money Order
Q95.ZIP 1995-08-13 00:00 2.4MQModem for Windows 95 demo
ST95E321.ZIP 1996-02-27 00:00 269KStomper v3.21 for Windows 95 Modemsharing in networks - Modem-Server for Windows 3.x/95 Modemclient for Windows 95. netbeui or IPX/SPX supported
TAXOS10.ZIP 1996-08-15 00:00 138KTaxos 3.4 counts the time you spend on the internet. You can have detailed total of your spendings and configure it as you wish. You can enter any kind of taxing rates for local calls or not ! It even considers if you are calling in half price or not (ho ur of the day you are calling).
TD_21S.ZIP 1998-04-06 00:00 371KTweakdun v2.10.114. Optimizes Win95/98/NT4 dialup-networking settings for best performance. Can double transfer speeds under some conditions. You'll also need vb5rtsp3.ZIP if you don't have VB5 runtimes already installed.
TFS10C.EXE 1997-03-19 00:00 1.8MTrumpet Firesock v1.0c Software solution for connecting multiple users from any small office/home office local area network to the internet via single modem or ISDN connection.
UNIMODV.EXE 1995-11-16 00:00 468KUnimod V from MS. Universal modem driver/telephony service provider for data/fax modems.
W95LOADB.ZIP 1997-07-03 00:00 7.2KHow to use 2 or more modems with Windows95 to gain over 33.6k speed on Internet. ml
W95M_DEV.ZIP 1996-10-16 00:00 2.3MThis file contains documents, tools and sample files for modem developers interested in the Windows 95 Operating System
WIT1202E.ZIP 1996-12-02 00:00 3.4Mcomponents 3.0 is a Native 32-bit, Multi-threaded, Mutli-tasking communications software supporting fax and data communications while running under Microsoft's Windows '95 and Windows NT 3.51 operating systems. This version is a NON Internet application, but the next release will be.
WNFOS112.ZIP 1996-12-08 00:00 57K[ winfossil v1.12 ] 32-bit FOSSIL driver for Windows 95. Dramatically improves transfer speeds FOSSIL-aware software written running under Windows 95. Includes support for FOSSIL-aware 32-bit applications such as Binkleyterm-32! SHAREWARE $15.00 Registration!
ZFAX55.ZIP 1997-09-29 00:00 1.6MZETAFAX - 5 user evaluation system (release 5.50a) This is an evaluation version of Zetafax, the fax gateway for Windows, Windows NT and Windows 95. It is a working 5 user version, which can be used with a Class 2 modem to send and receive faxes. Advanced features include automatic inward routing, e-mail integration and a full API.
ZFNT55.ZIP 1997-09-29 00:00 3.0MZETAFAX - 5 user evaluation system (release 5.50a) This is an evaluation version of Zetafax, the fax gateway for Windows, Windows NT and Windows 95. It is a working 5 user version, which can be used with a Class 2 modem to send and receive faxes. Advanced features include automatic inward routing, e-mail integration and a full API.