Name | Date | Size | Description |
4DIZ094.ZIP | 1996-10-27 00:00 | 54K | 4dizzy 0.94 4dizzy is the widely-acclaimed archive processor for both OS/2 and DOS. It's used to import file_id.diz information into 4dos/4os2 descriptions. 4dizzy should be enough for anyone! -Bill Gates |
4OS2300.ZIP | 1997-07-30 00:00 | 626K | 4os2 3.00 - New! (July 1997) release of JP Software's award-winning CMD.EXE replacement for OS/2 Warp. Offers command enhancements, over 50 new commands, dozens of powerful batch file features, and many other unique command line tools. Shareware, $69.95 full registration. 07-30-97 release B (109). |
20ARIEEL.ZIP | 1996-06-13 00:00 | 608K | Arieel version C 2.0 - 32-bit PM Personal Information Tool (Calendar Clock Alarm Worldtime) for OS/2 Warp+ |
20MEMU.ZIP | 1993-06-04 00:00 | 88K | OS/2 v.2.x Memory Usage Display. Tämän enempää informaatiota muistin käytöstä ei anna mikään |
AMOS120.ZIP | 1994-02-05 00:00 | 87K | ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄú AúMúOúS v1.20 úÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ AMOS is a DOS-program for OS/2 users! ³ ³ Use you normal commands: COPY, DIR, MD, ³ ³ RD, in a familiar environment. Full EA ³ ³ support and Dirty flag support. Editor ³ ³ included for easy access to CONFIG.SYS, ³ ³ and what more do you need? Get this! ³ ÀÄÄÄú Release date: 5th February 1994 úÄÄÄÄÙ |
BKVIEW32.ZIP | 1993-07-28 00:00 | 12K | A small PM utility to display all 'book' files (.INF) in a specified directory. |
BLACKHOL.ZIP | 1993-01-18 00:00 | 33K | Tuhoaa myös sen, mihin OS/2 Shredder ei pysty |
BLANKR22.ZIP | 1994-04-02 00:00 | 47K | Screen Blanker 2.2 for OS/2 |
BOOT2X.ZIP | 1994-11-11 00:00 | 89K | OS/2 utility to create OS/2 boot diskettes. |
BOXOS2_6.ZIP | 1994-01-05 00:00 | 394K | BOXER/OS2 v6 Powerful, top-rated text editor! Already a favorite of DOS users, BOXER is now available for OS/2! BOXER is a full-featured editor with a smooth, courteous interface. Color Syntax Highlighting, multi-level Undo and Redo, full mouse support, macros, column marking, WP, keyboard reconfig, & much more! This 32-bit character mode program uses OS/2 virtual memory to edit large files, and has support for HPFS filenames. From David Hamel. |
CC107OS2.ZIP | 1995-11-01 00:00 | 91K | Controlled Copy v.1.07 for OS/2 The best file copier/mover in the market |
CFGBETA2.ZIP | 1995-01-19 00:00 | 602K | OS/2 Config.Sys optimizer |
CFGINFO4.ZIP | 1995-06-04 00:00 | 182K | Dated May 27, 1995 Posted by CNFGINFO.EXE, an outstanding utility for learning about and optimizing OS/2s config.sys file. |
CPUDRIV2.ZIP | 1993-09-18 00:00 | 43K | A utility PM utility that shows the CPU and disk utilization graphically in a small window. Lots of nice features. |
CSED11.ZIP | 1993-10-03 00:00 | 73K | System Config Editor version 1.1; Notebook of settings for the OS/2 startup files. Simplifies the editing of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. |
DBP027.ZIP | 1994-12-16 00:00 | 72K | Bootmanager replacement. Replaces OS/2 bootmanger. Can Handle many OS'ses incl. OS/2, DOS, NT, *NIX, XENIX etc. Shareware. |
DELTREE.ZIP | 1994-11-27 00:00 | 29K | Deltree command for OS/2 |
DXP232.ZIP | 1994-02-08 00:00 | 235K | Disk eXPress - DXP Version 2.32 02/08/94 The SuperCharged Diskette Imaging software for OS/2 and DOS DXP Version 2.32 02/08/94 |
EMXRT.ZIP | 1997-07-19 00:00 | 525K | EMX runtime for OS/2. Most OS/2 softwares ported from UNIX need this. |
EQED095.ZIP | 1995-09-10 00:00 | 124K | An WYSIWYG equation editor for OS/2 PM.. Try it out |
EXT2_04B.ZIP | 1995-09-09 00:00 | 486K | Linux ext2fs file system driver (IFS) for OS/2. Version 0.4 beta. Allows OS/2 to access Linux native partitions (ext2fs partitions) |
FC2_121.ZIP | 1994-11-28 00:00 | 161K | File Commander/2 v1.21, Norton Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2 |
FILEB204.ZIP | 1995-04-23 00:00 | 223K | FileBar 2.04 - Application launchbar & shell replacement for OS/2 |
FM2_135.ZIP | 1994-02-15 00:00 | 319K | FileManager for OS/2, version 1.35 |
FM2_222A.ZIP | 1995-01-15 00:00 | 940K | FM/2 v2.22. OS/2 file/dir/archive maintenance |
GNUMAKE.ZIP | 1994-01-03 00:00 | 516K | GNU Make v3.70 for OS/2 |
HOTKEYS.ZIP | 1995-11-25 00:00 | 64K | CTRL-ALT-DEL key pressing preventer for Warp |
HPFSREAD.ZIP | 1993-09-29 00:00 | 20K | A utility that lets you read HPFS hard disks from the real DOS (with Dual Boot or Boot Manager). This version is in German... :( |
HPP100A.ZIP | 1997-01-19 00:00 | 3.2M | HomePage Publisher Version 1.0 for OS/2 a WYSIWYG Web Page Design tool for OS/2 |
HSTART02.ZIP | 1993-10-25 00:00 | 51K | A alternative START command, can be used also from DOS boxes. Version 0.9 |
HSWITCH.ZIP | 1993-01-19 00:00 | 51K | Switch from OS/2 text sessions to dos-full screen session. OS/2 2.x only. |
INFPM132.ZIP | 1995-11-02 00:00 | 420K | Utils |
INIMT30L.ZIP | 1994-04-23 00:00 | 628K | IniMT v3.0l - Manages .INI files. |
JCDOS214.ZIP | 1994-01-25 00:00 | 32K | ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ JCD for OS/2 & DOS v.1.40 ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ All features included! ³ ³ NCD like directory changer ³ ³ Coded 1994 ³ ³ by ³ ³ Jari Kaija ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ |
JCOS_2B.ZIP | 1994-01-28 00:00 | 58K | ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ JC for OS/2 & DOS ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Jari Commander ³ ³ NC like OS/2 version, about:) ³ ³ Coded 1994 ³ ³ by ³ ³ Jari Kaija ³ ³ Last editing date. 28.01.1994 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ |
JMODE100.ZIP | 1993-10-28 00:00 | 6.8K | 80x30 textmode for OS2 sessions |
KED206B.ZIP | 1993-10-13 00:00 | 77K | KEd is a character mode text editor for OS/2 v 2.x. It is a full 32-bit application, and features support for HPFS, macros, unlimited number of files, huge file sizes, cut and paste, and shelling to a command processor. You'll also find extensive on-line hypertext help for ease of use. New version 2.06 with greater speed, Numlock settings, and HPFS name fixes. Shareware registration $20. |
L2.EXE | 1993-10-25 00:00 | 22K | To Unpack PMWP.RAM |
MAKEDSKF.ZIP | 1993-02-23 00:00 | 19K | Disk image maker for OS/2 |
MB211.ZIP | 1994-03-13 00:00 | 16K | Make Boot diskette for OS/2 2.11 This is a small utility to create a boot diskette for OS/2 2.11 Its written in REXX. Creates 3.5: HD diskettes only. Won't work for PS/2 systems. Must have OS/2 2.11 in- stalled on the system for it to work. Requ. the service pack diskettes to be available. |
ME2_099B.ZIP | 1994-10-02 00:00 | 381K | ME/2 - A PM-based editor for OS/2. |
MEGADS.ZIP | 1993-05-25 00:00 | 58K | Mega desktop for OS/2 |
MEMSZ211.ZIP | 1993-06-10 00:00 | 133K | System Resources 2.11a. Displays the system's free memory and disk space, and monitors the swapping file's size. Also monitors CPU loading and total disk space used for spool-files. Source incl. Adds the day-of-week to the date. For OS/2 |
MRFILE45.ZIP | 1993-06-02 00:00 | 166K | MrFile - Simple PM Filemanager |
MSWINOS2.ZIP | 1994-05-17 00:00 | 17K | Run WinOS2 under DOS |
NEAD.LZH | 1993-10-13 00:00 | 55K | The New EA Editor (a utility to edit extended attributes) (PM) |
NOLIST2A.ZIP | 1993-11-15 00:00 | 27K | A utility that allows you to exclude windows from Alt-Esc switching or remove them from the Window List. Works from the command line. |
NSOS2202.EXE | 1996-12-16 00:00 | 4.3M | Netscape 2.02 for OS/2 Warp |
OH2B30B.ZIP | 1996-04-04 00:00 | 354K | Online help for Orpheus 2, built in Orpheus. Help interface is not hard-coded in the prg, illustrates the power Orpheus gives you as an author: design your own Reader interface so it looks custom-programmed. File 2/4. |
OH2B30C.ZIP | 1996-04-04 00:00 | 217K | Orpheus Reader for Orpheus 2: slick runtime for electronic books/mags/manuals created in Orpheus, looks and functions the way YOU (as an author) want it to. Includes the Simulator for testing works in progress. File 3/4. |
OH2B30D.ZIP | 1996-04-04 00:00 | 78K | Convert Orpheus 1.nn projects to Orpheus 2. Converter is interactive and safe, does not delete your original, even lets you pause to free up disk space. All-text projects are translated 100_, scripts may require editing afterwards. Full documentation: Orpheus 2 makes it easy! File 4/4. |
OS2C_110.ZIP | 1996-04-05 00:00 | 395K | OS/2-Commander v1.10 - The Wizzard of OS/2! OS/2-Commander is the final Norton Commander clone for OS/2. It offers an integrated archive handling, HPFS-support, a user-definable menu, a Tree-function, the most powerful FIND-function you've ever seen, a DBF viewer, browser and editor! Full 4dos/4os2 support, enhanced sysop features, full network compatibility, disk-image function, 132-column mode and much more! Try it! os2c_110.EXE is a self-extracting RAR archive. |
OS2GAMES.ZIP | 1994-12-21 00:00 | 374K | OS/2 Warp Version 3.00 Chess and Klondike Upd |
OS2RD3B1.EXE | 1996-09-26 00:00 | 2.6M | Adobe Acrobat Reader for OS/2 |
OS2SPEED.ZIP | 1992-08-04 00:00 | 2.7K | OS/2 SPEED v1.00b: For DOS programs that are not OS/2-aware, but are DESQview-aware. OS2SPEED tells programs that they are running under DESQview - and when they use the DESQview function to give away time, it intercepts this and calls the equivelant OS/2 function. The net result is that all DESQview aware programs become OS/2 aware! |
OS2VID.ZIP | 1996-04-30 00:00 | 58K | Programms the PPro mtrrs for frame buffer and VGA memory area to 'write combined' and enables write buffers of the Orion chipset. OS/2 version. |
OS2_11WR.ZIP | 1995-04-29 00:00 | 345K | OnScreen/2, shareware fileviewer, v2.11. DOS, OS2, Win95/NT supported. |
OSCPY251.ZIP | 1993-08-23 00:00 | 50K | SCOPY - Copy and archive (disks) utility |
OSTSR11.ZIP | 1994-05-11 00:00 | 9.8K | * OSTSR 1.1 * Time Slice Releaser For OS/2 DESQview aware programs are now OS/2 aware.. |
OSTSR12.ZIP | 1995-01-11 00:00 | 13K | OSTSR 1.2 - Time Slice Releaser For OS/2 |
PC2160.ZIP | 1993-05-30 00:00 | 225K | Program Commander /2 1.60. Works in co-operation with WPS or replaces it. |
PEG001.ZIP | 1993-10-23 00:00 | 242K | Pegasus Resource Monitor 1.0 - Shows CPU,IO and applications |
PGP263I2.ZIP | 1996-04-24 00:00 | 332K | pgp2.62i-os2 |
PLUMA101.ZIP | 1994-03-15 00:00 | 159K | WYSIWYG Text-editor for OS/2 |
PMD20E.ZIP | 1993-03-27 00:00 | 128K | PM Diskcopy v2.0e for OS/2 |
PMP203.ZIP | 1993-12-21 00:00 | 92K | PM Patrol 2.03. A nice system status display. |
PMPGP.ZIP | 1995-05-30 00:00 | 393K | pmpgp 1.3 is a powerful and easy to use OS/2 PM shell for PGP. pmpgp supports encryption, decryption and digital signatures. Shows key signatures in a tree view. Communicates with every application or the Workplace via Dra&Drop of files and clipboard. Maintains a history of processing. You will need an OS/2 port of PGP to be able to use pmpgp. Shareware $35. |
PMPRP200.ZIP | 1995-12-06 00:00 | 704K | pmprep 2.00 - OS/2 PM uuencoder/uudecoder |
PMSWTCH2.ZIP | 1993-08-22 00:00 | 13K | New version of PMSwitch. Allows you to pre-select programs to be excluded from Alt-Esc switching. Even better than the previous version. |
POPPL110.ZIP | 1996-10-25 00:00 | 622K | POP-Play v1.1: MOD, STM, S3M, XM, MTM and ULT module player for OS/2. Requires MMPM/2 or DART. |
POVPAN10.ZIP | 1994-07-20 00:00 | 125K | POV-Ray graphical front-end for OS/2. |
PSPM2.ZIP | 1992-06-03 00:00 | 68K | A good PM utility that displays the running processes and allows you to kill them |
QEDIT155.ZIP | 1992-05-19 00:00 | 60K | Qedit for OS/2 version 1.55 |
QMOS206.ZIP | 1995-04-17 00:00 | 32K | Quote Manager Clone For OS/2 Version 0.6 Beta |
ROW2R01.ZIP | 1993-06-23 00:00 | 13K | ROW 2.x: SET DOS SCREEN & OS/2 SESSION ROWS. Prevent those weary eyes! Stop Config.Sys messages from scrolling off of the screen! Confuse nosey network snoopers and viewers! Row.Exe is loadable by DOS & OS/2 in Config or from a OS prompt to set DOS to display from 12..50 rows and OS/2 from 1..255 rows. Release 01: Row/D 2.10; Row/2 2.01. 80x86, DOS 2+, OS/2 1.2+, OS/2 2+ DOS Box, ISA/EISA, EGA+ adapter required for DOS. |
RXU12.ZIP | 1993-09-22 00:00 | 125K | Rexx Utilities Package (v1.2). Includes UPM, OS/2 2.0 Memory mgt, OS/2 2.0 semaphores, Rexx programming functions, Task/Thread management, multithreaded Rexx programming, DLL handling, etc. INF file is included. |
RXU19.ZIP | 1996-02-18 00:00 | 192K | RXU v1.9 -Rich set of Rexx functions which expose most of the OS/2 API set to Rexx programs |
RXUSMP.ZIP | 1993-09-22 00:00 | 4.8K | Samples for RXU.ZIP. Some sample programs which use selected functions of the RXU Rexx function package. |
SEAMWIN2.ZIP | 1993-09-23 00:00 | 7.0K | Faster WINOS2 startup, final version |
SI.ZIP | 1992-08-28 00:00 | 12K | Basic System Information for OS/2. Shows time that OS/2 has been running and many memory sizes. |
SIO160.ZIP | 1996-10-26 00:00 | 204K | Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS/2, V1.60. SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements of the OS2 communications drivers COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS which come with OS/2. VX00.SYS provides FOSSIL and virtual 16550 support for DOS programs SIO can be ordered to supporting any number of ports. Vmodem now has both inbound and outbound Telnet. |
SPHYDIR.ZIP | 1995-03-19 00:00 | 257K | OS/2 HTML editor |
SPHYDOC.ZIP | 1995-02-20 00:00 | 294K | HTML manuals for sphyx OS/2 html editor |
SUBST101.ZIP | 1993-07-06 00:00 | 25K | SUBST 1.01. A utility that allows you to map directories to drive letters under OS/2 like the SUBST command in DOS. |
SVD110.ZIP | 1994-08-28 00:00 | 110K | Super Virtual Disk driver V1.10 for OS/2 2.1. SVDisk provides a swappable/lockable/removabl virtual disk or virtual floppy for OS/2 |
TASKR402.ZIP | 1995-09-05 00:00 | 295K | (v4.02) Tasker 4.0 /OS2 Task Scheduler Tasker 4.02 is a OS/2 Work place shell scheduler |
TCOS2100.ZIP | 1996-03-05 00:00 | 533K | Take Command for OS/2 1.0 - JP Software's new graphical command processor for OS/2. A true OS/2 Presentation Manager app, not character-mode. Command enhancements, over 50 new commands, 4dos- and 4os2-compatible, dozens of new PM features. Shareware, $69 full registration. 3-5-96 rel. A (61). |
TIMUP121.ZIP | 1993-01-02 00:00 | 56K | TIMEUP 1.21. Shows time OS/2 has been up in a small window (titlebar). |
TSPEC028.ZIP | 1995-11-30 00:00 | 814K | TrueSpectra Light Beta Release 28 is a true object-based image processing and page layout program for OS/2. |
ULP2_221.ZIP | 1996-06-22 00:00 | 181K | uploadprocessor/2 for OS/2 v2.21. Now the premier upload processing system is available in a multi-threaded 32-bit native OS/2 version! NOTE: This archive is not a complete package; it contains the OS/2 files only. The general release archive ULP_221.ZIP must also be downloaded for the complete package!!! To install, simply copy these files to your DOS ULP 2.x subdirectory. |
VCD10.ZIP | 1992-07-01 00:00 | 30K | Directory Changer for OS/2. |
VP11DEMO.ZIP | 1996-10-08 00:00 | 1.7M | Virtual Pascal 1.1 for OS/2 |
VROBJ202.ZIP | 1994-06-20 00:00 | 397K | vrobj 2.0b for OS/2 (REXX) |
WCAT10.ZIP | 1993-11-01 00:00 | 45K | WatchCat 1.0. Lets you regain control of the system in certain situations. Requires a hardware switch in an IO port, such as LPT2 or the joystick port. You can use a joystick as the switch, too. |
WCRON147.ZIP | 1996-12-09 00:00 | 21K | WarpCron 1.47 - small tiny scheduler for OS/2 textmode. Runs OS/2 window, fullscreen, PM and DOS applications on a specific time, specific day, every X minutes/days/months and/or on specific weekdays and/or on a semaphore. Writes logfile. Needs nearly no CPU-Time. Can reread its config during runtime. |
WILLUTIL.ZIP | 1993-10-04 00:00 | 20K | Control Numlock |
WINKEY10.ZIP | 1996-02-01 00:00 | 17K | WinKey 1.00 for OS/2 Warp base device driver that remaps the infamous three additional Win95 keys found on many new keyboards. |
WORDIA_F.EXE | 1995-04-13 00:00 | 1.1M | Microsoft WinWord Internet HTML editor patch. Final Version |
WPSBK203.ZIP | 1993-12-30 00:00 | 48K | Workplace Shell Backup 2.03 for OS/2 PM Utility backs up WPS and .INI files for instant restores. -A must-have utility for OS/2 Users. |
WPTOOL10.ZIP | 1993-09-16 00:00 | 180K | WPS and INI tools |
WSUCK991.ZIP | 1997-03-02 00:00 | 64K | WebSucker 0.99.1 WWW mirroring tool; retrieves Web pages from a HTTP (WWW) server; can be configured to follow all hyperlinks leading to other pages on the same server; images can be retrieved as well; retrieved data is stored on disk for later viewing; needs HPFS; Proxy support; automated (command line) mode; PM application; |
WWED017B.ZIP | 1995-03-30 00:00 | 123K | ww is an OS/2 text mode editor with on-the-fly color syntax highlighting for C/C++/REXX/HTML/IPF |