Metropoli BBS files -
                     [root] /skene/PARTIES/TP97/GFX/

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CELIA.GIF 1998-01-06 00:00 103KCELIA by MADE/B0MB tp'97 gfx
DEV&ANG.LZH 1998-01-07 00:00 680KThe Party 97 release gfx compo entry by dzordan of anadune these are the original version and the scaled picutre for the compo
FRANK.LHA 1998-01-06 00:00 13K'frank' by Optic from the party 7 gfx compo
LKR-DJSM.LZH 1998-01-07 00:00 947 dj smile - hand drawn gfx for tp 7 by gdm/lkr and zinko's/lkr help ---[ lkr - ze art of inspiration - 1997 ]--- [ the party 7 release - extra credzz ]
SHELLED.ZIP 1997-12-08 00:00 385Kshelled by fNDR / sONIK clique 4th in the raytrace-compo at tp7