***************************************************************************** * * * PCI Ethernet Adapter * * * * NDIS Driver for Windows for WorkGroup 3.1 * * * * V. 2.91 Jan. 1997 * * * ***************************************************************************** Introduction: ============= This document shows you how to install Windows for Workgroup 3.1 NDIS driver and how to use the enhanced functions by setting the custom keywords. Contents of the Subdirectory: ============================= WFW31.TXT This file. OEMSETUP.INF The setup information file for WFW31. PCIND.DOS The NDIS2 driver. Installation: ============= Before starting with the installation process, make sure that the adapter is properly installed and configured. You can use the diagnostic program (A:\SETUP.EXE) to make sure your connection with the network is correct. Setup Procedure: ---------------- 1) Start the Windows for Workgroup 3.1. 2) Click the "Control Panel" icon in the Program Manager Window. 3) Click the "Network" icon in the Network Window. 4) When the "Network Settings" dialog box appears, select "Adapters" button. 5) Select "Add" icon from the "Network Adapters" dialog box. 6) Select "Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter". 7) When the "Install Driver" window appears, insert the distribution diskette into drive A:, type "A:\WFW31" and press . 8) Press to select "PCI Ethernet NE2000 Driver". 9) Click "Setup..." to popup the setup window. 10) If the adapter is in Jumperless mode, modify the IO Base and Interrupt to match the adapter's hardware setting. If the adapter is in PCI mode, just leave the values unchanged. 11) Click "Advanced..." if you want to modify the advanced features. Please refer to the next section for the description of the keywords. 12) Close each windows and restart the computer. Configuration Files: ==================== There are two ways to modify the configuration: a) Follow step 10/11 in the previous section. b) Modify PROTOCOL.INI in your WFW31 directory directly. File Name: PROTOCOL.INI ---------- Sample of configuration file: ----------------------------- ... [PCIND] drivername=pcind$ IOBASE=0x300 INTERRUPT=5 EARLYRECEIVE=0 EARLYTRANSMIT=0 FULLDUPLEX=0 PCIID=0 [PCIND] drivername=pcind2$ IOBASE=0x320 INTERRUPT=9 EARLYRECEIVE=0 EARLYTRANSMIT=0 FULLDUPLEX=0 PCIID=0 ... Custom Keywords: ---------------- PCIID="hhhhhhhhhhhh" This keyword is the Ethernet Address of the adapter you want to drive. If there are more than one ethernet adapters in your system, you have to use this keyword to let driver locate the right adapter. However, you don't have to use this property or let the value to be zero (i.e. PCIID=0) if there is only one adapter in your system. Note: Please remember to enter the double quotes. EARLYTRANSMIT This keyword is used to enable turbo transmission mode for accelerating data transmission. EARLYRECEIVE This keyword is used to enable turbo transmission mode for accelerating data receiption. FULLDUPLEX This keyword is used to enable full duplex mode. NOTE: ----- Multiple Lan Adapters in a system: If you want to install mutiple Lan adapter in your system, you have to use the keyword, PCIID, to let driver locate the right adapter. And you must set DriverName to be PCIND$ and PCIND2$ for two different adapters. You can use the diagnostic program (A:\SETUP.EXE) under DOS prompt to show all the Ethernet addresses of your adapters.