Driver installation Guide for Novell NetWare v4.x server ============================================================== Introduction ============ This document describes the procedure to install Netware 4.x server driver for NE2000 Compatible Ethernet Adapter. Installation Procedures ======================= 1. Copy AN16.LAN from \netware\4.x directory of the driver disk to the harddisk directory where NetWare 4.x system files are locatted. 2. Boot NetWare file server by executing "SERVER" as you usually do. 3. When the NetWare 386 prompt appears (indicated by a colon), to load the driver manually, simply at the system console screen type the following command: : Load AN16 INT=x PORT=xxx Frame=Ethernet_xxxx or, you can directly load file from the driver diskette : : Load A:\NETWARE\4.X\AN16 INT=x PORT=xxx Frame=Ethernet_xxxx Note : INT and PORT depend on your hardware setting. Frame type depend on your network. 4. Bind IPX to the adapter driver. At the NetWare server prompt, type: : Bind IPX to AN16 Net=xxxxx Note: Net value depend on your network configuration. 5. Add the load and bind statements you require to the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file so that the LAN driver will load automatically each time the server starts up.