Banyan NDIS Workstation v1.00 Banyan* NDIS workstation installation notes for Intel's EtherExpress(TM) 10 ISA LAN adapters ======================================================================== Location of Driver: \NDIS\EX10.DOS Sample Configuration Files -------------------------- CONFIG.SYS (will contain): DEVICE=C:\BAN\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\BAN DEVICE=C:\BAN\EX10.DOS PROTOCOL.INI: [EX10_NIF] Drivername = EX10$ IOADDRESS = 0x300 General Installation -------------------- 1 The EtherExpress(TM) 10 ISA LAN adapter uses an NDIS 2.0.1 driver to connect to a Banyan* server. If you have an NDIS client disk prepared, skip to step #6. 2 To generate an NDIS client disk, run PCCOPY which is located on the Z drive of the Banyan server. 3 Choose PC Configuration Software and/or LAN driver, and select NDIS Ethernet. 4 Choose the appropriate DOS redirector (example: REDIRALL for all versions of DOS). 5 Specify the directory you want the client software copied to. The default is A:\. 6 On the client you wish to set up, copy the NDIS client software to a directory on the hard drive. Run Banyan's PCCONFIG program. Select Network Card Settings and page down to select the NDIS Ethernet option. Specify the Interrupt (as set in EX10Set) and the PROTOCOL.INI Bindings parameter: EX10_NIF. 7 Select Login Environment Settings, then Select Default Communications Driver. Page down to the NDIS Ethernet option and select it. 8 Save settings before exiting PCCONFIG. 9 Copy the files PROTOCOL.INI and EX10.DOS that are located in the NDIS subdirectory of the EtherExpress 10 ISA LAN adapter disk to the BAN subdirectory (as per the example) or other directory where Banyan client files are located. Modify the PROTOCOL.INI file and remove the semi-colon in front of [EX10_NIF] and change the IOAddress of the adapter to match the setting in EX10Set. 10 Add the lines to your CONFIG.SYS file as indicated above. 11 Reboot and run BAN to attach to the Banyan server. Hints and Tips -------------- 1 Error Message with PRO0025E This type of message will occur when the driver attempts to bind to the protocol manager. It generally indicates a syntax or other error in the PROTOCOL.INI file. Review the file carefully for errors. Also, verify parameters entered in PCCONFIG. For additional information, reference NDISBAN.DOC, which is part of the NDIS Banyan client software. 2 Make sure your NDISBAN.COM is dated April 1994 or later. Earlier versions may not work properly. 3 General parameters for the PROTOCOL.INI file are listed below. For advanced options, see the document on NDIS Driver Notes. DRIVERNAME: (required) If you have a single adapter, use the syntax in the example above. If you are installing multiple adapters, each adapter must have a unique driver name. Additional instances of the driver would be referenced by DRIVERNAME=EX10x$, where "x" would be a unique number 2 through 9. IOADDRESS: (optional for single adapter systems - except when set to certain addresses noted below) This value must match the adapter's I/O address. If the driver does not find the adapter at the specified I/O address, it will scan most of the I/O addresses that the adapter could be at and will load if it finds the adapter. The only addresses the driver doesn't scan are 2E0, 2F0 or 370. If you have used one of these address, this parameter isn't optional. If you use multiple adapters in one machine, make sure you specify the correct IOADDRESS for each board. Otherwise, the driver will fail when loading on the second card. * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.