Latest news about your EtherExpress 10 ISA adapter v1.01 NetWare* server, Windows NT*, and OS/2* users --------------------------------------------- If you have a Plug and Play BIOS and are running OS/2, Windows NT, or a NetWare server, make sure you disable Plug and Play on your adapter using EX10SET.EXE. Having Plug and Play enabled on your adapter may cause configuration problems because these environments don't support Plug and Play. Windows* 95 users ----------------- Enabling Plug and Play If using Windows 95, leave Plug and Play enabled on your adapter. This is the default setting. If Windows 95 doesn't automatically recognize your adapter, run EX10Set and make sure Plug and Play is enabled. For more information, see the readme file called Plug and Play Computers. Running EX10Set If you're running Windows 95 and want to use EX10Set, run it in Windows 95's MS-DOS* mode. To enter MS-DOS mode, choose Shut Down from the Start menu, select Restart the computer in MS-DOS mode, and click Yes. PCI/ISA computers ----------------- If you install the adapter in a PCI/ISA computer, you should keep the adapter configured for 16-bit mode; it may not work properly if set to 8- bit mode. XT computers ------------ Intel EtherExpress 10 ISA adapters don't support XT computers (8086's and 8088's). Try contacting your computer vendor or reseller for a network adapter that supports XT computers. Undetectable IRQs ----------------- EX10Set can reliably detect most IRQs used in a computer. However, some devices use IRQs in a way this program can't detect. If you have problems with the computer after installing the adapter, make sure no other device uses the same IRQ as the adapter. NE2000 adapters --------------- You can't run EX10Set when NE2000 drivers are loaded. If you're installing the adapter in a computer with an NE2000 adapter, restart the computer without loading the drivers before you run EX10Set. * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.