***************************************************************************** * * * ISA PnP Ethernet Adapter * * * * Packet Driver for DOS Workstations * * * * V. 2.82, Nov. 1996 * * * ***************************************************************************** Introduction: ============= The Packet Driver for DOS workstations confirms to the PC/TCP version 1.09 Packet driver specification.This document shows you how to setup the driver and how to use the enhanced functions by setting the custom keywords in configuration file. Contents of the Subdirectory: ============================= PNPPKT.COM The Packet driver for DOS workstations. PACKET.TXT This file. Installation: ============= Before starting with the installation process , make sure that the adapter is properly installed and configured. You can use the diagnostic program (A:\SETUP.EXE) to make sure your connection with the network is correct. Installation Packet Driver: --------------------------------------------------------- 1) Copy the Packet driver to your HardDisk, suppose you copy it to C:\PACKET directory. EX: copy a:\packet\pnppkt.com c:\packet\pnppkt.com 2) Add the following line to C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\PACKET\PNPPKT -W 0x60 5 0x300 NOTE: ----- Multiple Lan Adapters in a system: If you want to install mutiple Lan adapter in your system, you have to use the parameter, -p after PNPPKT in AUTOEXEC.BAT file to let driver locate the right adapter. You can run A:\SETUP.EXE under DOS prompt to show all the Ethernet addresses of your adapters. Configuration Files: ==================== Sample of configuration file: ----------------------------- (Suppose PACKET driver is copied to C:\PACKET directory) File Name: C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT ---------- C:\PACKET\PNPPKT -p003004123456 -r -t -n -w 0x60 5 0x300 0x60 is software vector number this driver uses. -n means Novell packets can be transmitted across this driver -w means Window compatible. 5 is IRQ value 0x300 is IOBASE value -p, -r, -t is explained below Custom Parameters: ---------------- -phhhhhhhhhhhh This parameter is the Ethernet Address of the adapter you want to drive. If there are more than one ethernet adapter in your system , you have to use this keyword to let driver locate the right adapter. However , you don't have to use this property or let the value to be zero ( i.e. -p0 ) if there is only one adapter in your system. -t This parameter is used to enable turbo transmission mode for accelerating data transmission. -r This parameter is used to enable turbo transmission mode for accelerating data receiption. -f This parameter is used to enable full duplex mode. Note: For ISA PnP mode, you don't have to define IRQ and IOBASE value as PNPPKT parameters, driver will ignore these values.