Apr. 1995 D-Link Drivers Installation Readme for Windows for Workgroups V3.11 ============================ ********************************************************** * README for Windows for Workgroups V3.11 Installation * ********************************************************** The DE620 Ethernet LAN drivers of DE-620 cards for Windows for Workgroups contained in this diskette are as follows: \WFW311\DE620.386 D-Link NDIS 3.0 WFW driver for Windows for Workgroups \WFW311\DE620.DOS D-Link NDIS 2.0 DOS driver for Windows for Workgroups \WFW311\DE620ODI.COM D-Link ODI driver for Windows for Workgroups \WFW311\NET.CFG NET.CFG file for Windows for Workgroups \WFW311\OEMSETUP.INF OEMSETUP file for Windows for Workgroups \DISK1 Installation Procedure: (1) When LAN drivers is installed, Windows for Workgroups will present a list of all available drivers. Since there will be no D-Link DE-620 drivers initially, select UNLIST for 3rd party adapters not in the driver list. (2) Windows for Workgroups will ask for the drive/path containing the DE-620 Windows for Workgroups drivers. Insert the D-Link driver diskette in drive A: and respond with the following A:\WFW311 (3) Windows for Workgroups will attempt to locate an OEMSETUP.INF file in the specified path. If you have entered the path name correctly, Windows for Workgroups should copy the appropriate drivers to the Windows for Workgroups system. (4) At this point, the driver would have been properly copied and the installation would proceed to the next step. Please refer to your Windows for Workgroups installation guide for correct procedures. (5) After the initial installation, the DE-620 drivers will be permanently copied to the Windows for Workgroups system. Subsequent network driver lists will already contain D-Link DE-620 drivers.