Device Driver Installation Guide for SUN PC-NFS ===================================================== This file contains the information about how to install AE200.SYS Driver into SUN PC-NFS. Driver into PC-NFS as following procedures : A. First-time installation on a dual-floppy PC without a hard disk : ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Create a bootable DOS diskette (containing the necessary DOS programs). a. Format a blank diskette using DOS FORMAT command with /s option. b. Use DOS COPY command to copy ANSI.SYS file to the formatted diskette. c. Make a directory "DRIVERS" under the root directory. d. Copy the AE200.SYS driver file from \PCNFS directory on the AE-200 Series Ethernet Adapter Driver Diskette to the \DRIVERS directory on the formatted diskette. 2. Install PC-NFS on a Bootable DOS diskette as a PC-NFS Bootable diskette for your PC-NFS workstation. a. Insert the PC-NFS Installation Diskette (#1) into drive A: and type A: and press . b. Insert the formatted bootable DOS diskette into drive B:. c. Type install and press . d. Select a proper display mode for your PC. e. Enter the letter of the drive where you want to install PC-NFS. Since the formatted diskette is inserted in drive B:, you should type B: and press . f. Select the type of network connection. "Ethernet" is highlighted. Press to select "Ethernet". g. Select the network adapter you will use for PC-NFS. Since AE-200 Series Adapter does not appear in the list of the supported Ethernet adapters, highlight "Other" and press . h. When you select "Other", the next screen asks you to enter a line specifying the device driver you want to use as shown below. The installation program adds the line you type to the CONFIG.SYS file in the formatted DOS diskette in drive B:. Config.sys line for your driver :_ At the prompt, enter the following line and press . DEVICE=A:\DRIVERS\AE200.SYS /pxx /ixx p for io_addr : The i/o balse address setting on the Adapter The value can be one of 240, 280, 2C0, 300 320, 340, and 360 for the AE-200 Series adapter. The default value is 300. i for int_level : Hardware interrupt setting on the Adapter The value can be one of 2,3,4,5,10,11,12, 15 for the AE-200 Series adpater. The default value is 3. i. Follow the on-screen instructions to copy the files from the PC-NFS distribution diskettes to the bootable DOS diskette, until the installation program displays the final screen, instructing you to remove the distribution diskette and give the Server Diskette to your system administrator. j. The bootable DOS diskette now becomes an PC-NFS bootable diskette for you computer. PC-NFS installation is complete. k. Press to start the NFSCONF configuration program. l. Please follow the instructions described in Chapter 3 of the "PC-NFS Installation Guide" for configuring PC-NFS for your PC and network. 3. Power off your computer and install the AE-200 Series Adapter onto your computer as the instructions described in the " AE-200 Series Adapter Installation Guide". 4. Reboot your computer with the bootable PC-NFS diskette. 5. Now, your computer is ready for your PC-NFS connection. B. If you have a single-floppy PC without a hard disk : ------------------------------------------------------ You cannot install PC-NFS on a single-floppy PC without a hard disk; however, you can create a PC-NFS boot diskette that contains the necessary files to run PC-NFS on your single-floppy PC. Follow the following procedure. 1. Create a bootable DOS diskette (containing the necessary DOS programs). a. Format a blank diskette using DOS FORMAT command with /s option. b. Use DOS COPY command to copy ANSI.SYS file to the formatted diskette. c. Create an \DRIVERS directory on the boot diskette using the DOS MKDIR command. d. Create an \NFS directory on the boot diskette using the DOS MKDIR command. 2. Copy the necessary PC-NFS files from the PC-NFS distribution diskettes to the \NFS directory on the DOS boot diskette. 3. Copy the AE200.SYS driver file from \PCNFS directory on the AE-200 Series Adapter Driver Diskette to the \DRIVERS directory on the DOS boot diskette. 4. Create AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, using any PC text editor, such as Edlin. The sample AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS are shown below: AUTOEXEC.BAT -------------------------------------------- PATH = A:\NFS SET NFSDRIVE=A PRT * NFSRUN -------------------------------------------- CONFIG.SYS -------------------------------------------- DEVICE = ANSI.SYS BUFFERS = 20 FILES = 20 DEVICE = \NFS\PCNFS.SYS DEVICE = \NFS\SOCKDRV.SYS DEVICE = \DRIVERS\AE200.SYS /pxx /ixx LASDRIVE = V -------------------------------------------- Note : the options for DEVICE = \DRIVERS\AE200.SYS /pxx /ixx are described as below: p for io_addr : The i/o balse address setting on the Adapter The value can be one of 240, 280, 2C0, 300 320, 340, and 360 for the AE-200 Series adapter. The default value is 300. i for int_level : Hardware interrupt setting on the Adapter The value can be one of 2,3,4,5,10,11,12 or 12 for the AE-200 Series adpater. The default value is 3. 5. Remove your boot diskette and insert the PC-NFS Configuration Diskette (#3) in drive A. a. Type SET NFSDRIVE=A and press . b. Type b:nfsconf and press c. When prompted, insert your boot diskette into drive A. d. Follow instructions in Chapter 3 of "PC-NFS Installation Guide" to configure PC-NFS. 6. Power off your computer and install the AE-200 Series Adapter onto your computer. 7. Reboot your computer with the bootable PC-NFS diskette. 8. Now, your computer is ready for your PC-NFS connection. C. First-time installation on a bootable Hard Disk or Partition : ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Install PC-NFS on a bootable hard disk a. Create a \DRIVERS directory in your hard disk drive. b. Copy the AE200.SYS driver file from \PCNFS directory on the AE-200 Series Adapter Driver Diskette to the \DRIVERS directory on your hard disk drive. c. Insert the PC-NFS Installation Diskette (#1) into drive A: and type A: and press . d. Type install and press . e. Select a proper display mode for your PC. f. Enter the letter of the drive where you want to install PC-NFS. Press to accept the default drive C, or type another drive letter and press . In the following instructions, we use drive C as an example. g. Select the type of network connection. "Ethernet" is highlighted. Press to select "Ethernet". h. Select the network adapter you will use for PC-NFS. Since AE-200 Series Adapter does not appear in the list of the supported Ethernet adapters, highlight "Other" and press . i. When you select "Other", the next screen asks you to enter a line specifying the device driver you want to use as shown below. The installation program adds the line you type to the CONFIG.SYS file in the formatted DOS diskette in drive B:. Config.sys line for your driver :_ At the prompt, enter the following line and press . DEVICE=C:\DRIVERS\AE200.SYS /pxx /ixx p for io_addr : The i/o base address setting on the Adapter The value can be one of 240, 280, 2C0, 300 320, 340, and 360 for the AE-200 Series adapter. The default value is 300. i for int_level : Hardware interrupt setting on the Adapter The value can be one of 2,3,4,5,10,11,12 or 15 for the AE-200 Series adpater. The default value is 3. j. Follow the on-screen instructions to copy the files from the PC-NFS distribution diskettes to the bootable DOS diskette, until the installation program displays the final screen, instructing you to remove the distribution diskette and give the Server Diskette to your system administrator. k. Press to start the NFSCONF configuration program. l. Please follow the instructions described in Chapter 3 of the "PC-NFS Installation Guide" for configuring PC-NFS for your PC and network. 2. Power off your computer and install the AE-200 Series Adapter onto your computer. 3. Now, your computer is ready for your PC-NFS connection. D. If your computer already has PC-NFS software installed : ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Locate the directory path where you place your previous network driver file. We choose C:\DRIVERS as an example. - Copy the AE200.SYS driver file from \PCNFS directory on the AE-200 Series Adapter Driver Diskette to the \DRIVERS directory on your hard disk drive. 2. Change the current directory to the root directory of your installed PC-NFS files by using DOS CD command. 3. Start nfsconf program. a. Type nfsconf and press . b. Select "Network" from the Main Configuration Screen. c. Select "Direct connect" d. Back to main screen. e. Select "Adapter" configuration. f. Select . g. Select " Use a manufacturer's driver: " h. When you select "Other", the next screen asks you to enter a line specifying the device driver you want to use as shown below. The installation program adds the line you type to the CONFIG.SYS file in you hard disk drive. Config.sys line for your driver :_ At the prompt, enter the following line and press . DEVICE=C:\DRIVERS\AE200.SYS /pxx /ixx p for io_addr : The i/o base address setting on the Adapter The value can be one of 240, 280, 2C0, 300, 320, 340, and 360 for the AE-200 Series adapter. The default value is 300. i for int_level : Hardware interrupt setting on the Adapter The value can be one of 2,3,4,5,10,11,12 or 15 for the AE-200 Series adpater. The default value is 3. h. Review or change other Configurations as instructions described in your "PC-NFS Installation Guide". 4. Power off your computer and install the AE-200 Series Adapter onto your computer. 5. Now, your computer is ready for your PC-NFS connection with the Ethernet Adapter.