Metropoli BBS files -
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32OS2260.ZIP 1995-05-30 00:00 872KATI Mach32 drivers for OS/2 WARP (2.60)
32WIN260.ZIP 1995-05-30 00:00 1.0MATI Mach32 naytonohjaimen ajurit v2.6 Windows 3.1/3.11:een.
64MPG303.ZIP 1997-01-04 00:00 4.2MVIDEO XPRESSION VIDEO XPRESSION+ 3D XPRESSION 3D XPRESSION+ 3D XPRESSION+ PC2TV 3D PRO TURBO PC2TV All other ATI products based on the 3D RAGE, 3D RAGE II, VT and CT mach64 graphics processors. VÄÄRÄ SELITE. PASTE KUSAS PRKL!
64UTL303.ZIP 1997-10-19 00:00 763KInstallation and configuration utilities. Diagnostic, DPMS, VBE and VESATEST utilities included. (ATI Mach64 GX and CT)
64VBE210.ZIP 1997-10-19 00:00 89KVersion 2.1 of the VESA BIOS Extension TSR Utility. This version of M64VBE supports VESA 2.0 specifications. (ATI Mach64 GX and CT)
64VBE221.EXE 1998-07-15 00:00 174KAti Mach64 VESA support binary.
64W95101.ZIP 1995-08-11 00:00 140KATI mach64 drivers v1.01 for Windows 95 (ATI Graphics Pro Turbo, WinTurbo, Graphics Xpression)
64W95303.ZIP 1997-10-19 00:00 1.3MVersion 4.03.2119 Windows 95 display driver for use with mach64 GX or CT product families. This display driver is recommended for use with machGX and CT ATI products.
64WIN155.ZIP 1995-08-03 00:00 1.1MATI mach64 v1.55 drivers for Windows 3.1 Requires LOAD64. ZIP for installation
ATI31VGA.ZIP 1992-08-21 00:00 226KWindows 3.1 Drivers for ATI VGA cards. (July 29th, 1992 release).
ATI101B.ZIP 1995-10-25 00:00 175KATI 1.01b Windows 95 video drivers (Intel Advanced/AS Atlantis)
ATIM32.ZIP 1995-07-17 00:00 2.4MATI Mach32 display drivers, v. 2.6
ATIMCT.ZIP 1995-09-12 00:00 67KWindows 95 Display driver: ATI Graphics Xpression PCI/mach64 and WinBoost PCI/mach64 drivers
ATIMPEG1.ZIP 1995-10-19 00:00 767KATI 1.0 Windows 3.11 MPEG driver/player (Intel Advanced/AS Atlantis)
LOADER.ZIP 1993-06-18 00:00 64KATI MACH32 and MACH8: Driver Module Loader for ATI accelerator drivers - this is REQUIRED to install all new LOADER Driver Modules downloaded from the ATI BBS and CompuServe.
LOADER2.ZIP 1993-06-18 00:00 64KMach32 ajurin installoimiseen vaadittava ohjelma, joka ei kuulu M32W21.ZIP pakettiin.
M4W220SL.ZIP 1995-08-21 00:00 660KAti Mach4 Windows drivers
M8W20.ZIP 1993-05-20 00:00 415KATI MACH8: official release v2.0 Windows driver for Graphics ULTRA, Graphics VANTAGE and 8514-ULTRA. New FlexDesk Control Panel. *LOADER Driver Module: Requires LOADER.ZIP*
M32UTL.ZIP 1994-04-28 00:00 350KATI Mach32 utilities.
M32W20.ZIP 1993-06-21 00:00 559KATI MACH32: official release v2.0 Windows and multimedia video acceleration drivers for GRAPHICS ULTRA+, GRAPHICS ULTRA PRO and mach32 VLB. *LOADER Driver Module: Requires LOADER.ZIP*
M32W21.ZIP 1993-08-16 00:00 571KATI MACH32: official release v2.1 Windows and Multimedia Video Acceleration drivers for all GRAPHICS ULTRA+, GRAPHICS ULTRA PRO and OEM mach32 products - see GLIDR1.ZIP and GLIDR2.ZIP for sample video clips. *NOTE: you may require your original Micro- soft Windows diskettes to install this driver. *LOADER Driver Module, Requires LOADER.ZIP*
MXXNT5.ZIP 1992-12-14 00:00 76KATI Mach8/32 Win NT Oct 92 beta-ajurit
N40118EN.EXE 1998-07-15 00:00 660Krelease 5.1.118 of the ATI Windows NT 4.0 driver with OpenGL support for 3D RAGE PRO.
VV215.ZIP 1993-03-18 00:00 17KATI VESA Super VGA BIOS Extension 1.2 (VS911022), implementation 2.15 - all VGA, mach8 and mach32 products except the 8514- ULTRA - supports high colour (16-bit graphics) and true colour (24-bit graphics) on mach32 and VGAWONDER XL or XL24 cards.
W5PL50EN.EXE 1998-07-15 00:00 4.3MATI Windows 95 VIDEO PLAYER. ATI Mach 64 3D Rage PRO ONLY!
W95-2278.EXE 1998-02-19 00:00 2.0MAti Rage Pro+ATi RAge II+ uusimmat ajurit
W95-C2M.EXE 1998-02-19 00:00 2.2MAti Rage PRO Beta ilmeisesti myos AGP ajurit
W95PLY31.ZIP 1997-05-16 00:00 3.4MATI Video Player v3.1 for Windows 95 May 7, 1997 For use with ATI Windows 95 Display Driver v4.03.2139 and v4.03.2162 Download files: W95-2139.EXE for 3d RAGE I and VT W95-2162.EXE for 3d RAGE II+ and 3d RAGE II
W52312EN.EXE 1998-07-15 00:00 2.5MATI Windows 95 Display Driver v5.2. ATI Mach 64 3D Rage PRO ONLY!
WIN31ACC.ZIP 1992-04-24 00:00 231KATI Windows 3.1 Accelerator Drivers.