Metropoli BBS files -
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6CDOS2.ZIP 1997-05-22 00:00 1.0MWedge showbook 6cd - OS2 Warp Ver3.0 Video Driver
56IEMANU.ZIP 1998-01-19 00:00 93KAcer Acerview 56i/ie SVGA manual (PDF)
76IEMANU.ZIP 1998-01-19 00:00 72KAcer Acerview 76i/ie SVGA manual (PDF)
78IEMANU.ZIP 1998-01-19 00:00 73KAcer Acerview 78i/ie SVGA manual (PDF)
95V11ENG.ZIP 1997-11-05 00:00 1.7MWindows 95 Video Device Driver v1.1 for ASUS 3dexplorer/GX2
964N3001.EXE 1995-06-05 00:00 80KNumber9 64GXE Pro drivers for WinNT 3.51.
964W3315.EXE 1996-02-11 00:00 702KNumber9 GXE64 Pro drivers for Win 3.x
964W9205.EXE 1996-05-07 00:00 749KNumber9 64GXE Pro drivers for Win95. HawkEye 95 driver and utilities ver. 2.05 domestic
8514.ZIP 1995-09-12 00:00 76KWindows 95 Display driver: IBM 8514/A Compatible driver
21010076.ZIP 1997-02-14 00:00 1.7M3DLabs drivers for GLINT 500TX, Windows 95
21030231.ZIP 1997-11-27 00:00 1.6M3DLabs drivers for GLINT PERMEDIA 2, Win95 Intel CPU:s
A3527R15.ZIP 1996-07-04 00:00 827K3DLabs drivers for GLINT, Windows NT 3.51 Alpha CPU:s
A4027R15.ZIP 1998-01-01 00:00 682K3DLabs drivers for GLINT, Windows NT 4.0 Alpha CPU:s
A4029R20.ZIP 1997-06-24 00:00 1.4M3DLabs drivers for GLINT 500TX, WinNT 4.0 Alpha CPU:s
ARK.ZIP 1995-09-12 00:00 34KWindows 95 Display driver: ARK Logic 1000pv, 2000pv display adaptors
ARTGRP.ZIP 1994-01-10 00:00 75Kdrivers for Artist Graphics video card
BGDSK234.ZIP 1992-06-02 00:00 44KBigDesk virtual desktop. Up to 8000*8000 pixels
CPQVE112.ZIP 1994-07-28 00:00 23KCompaq Qvision VESA Driver v1.12
D3RTVR_S.EXE 1998-03-03 00:00 419K3DFX Voodoo Rush reference drivers for Win95/98 v. / 2.15. Single board versions only.
DAEWOO.ZIP 1996-09-14 00:00 19KWIN 95 drivers (actually resolution info files) DAEWOO monitors
DIB.ZIP 1991-11-07 00:00 19KWindows 3.0 DIB Display Driver
ELSA103.ZIP 1995-10-06 00:00 425KELSA Winner 1000/2000 graphic drivers
G20XW95U.EXE 1998-04-02 00:00 198K- G20XW95U.EXE Graphics Blaster MA201/202 G202-95WEB-1-US Windows 95 Driver Update Driver update package for Graphics Blaster MA201/202 cards. The new driver supports DirectX5 under Windows 95.
GRANDVIE.ZIP 1995-11-21 00:00 39KVectron Grand view VGA to VIDEO (PAL,NTSC) converter drivers.
GRAPRUSH.ZIP 1998-07-22 00:00 1.5Mglide driver for voodoo graphics and rush/95/ 98 and voodoo graphic winnt 4.0 generic driver date 24.10.97 glide version 2.43
GRTVGR.EXE 1997-10-08 00:00 1.5M3Dfx Voodoo Graphics and Voodoo Rush Glide Reference Drivers Version: 2.43 Date Posted: 10/24/97 The 3Dfx reference Glide drivers, Version 2.43 for Voodoo Graphics and Voodoo Rush are intended for use with 3Dfx Interactive Development Reference boards.
GSS1000.ZIP 1992-01-31 00:00 149KUpdated DGIS firmware for AT1000 series video card
GXE64MOD.ZIP 1994-03-07 00:00 43K#9 gxe64 Pro DOS refresh rate setting util
GXE64WIN.ZIP 1996-06-22 00:00 657K#9 gxe64 Windows 3.1 drivers v1.45 [690k]
GXEWN415.ZIP 1994-04-07 00:00 703KHawkeye for Windows v4.15 [736k] (#9)
HI4MO102.EXE 1995-08-24 00:00 867KWindows 95 Display Driver
HI4VI102.ZIP 1996-03-24 00:00 791KWindows 95 Display driver: Hawkeye '95 drivers for the Vision 330 and Trio Cards
HI128108.ZIP 1996-03-24 00:00 800KWindows 95 Display driver: Hawkeye '95 for the Imagine 128
HI464102.EXE 1995-08-24 00:00 867K#9 HawkEye for GXE64, GXE64Pro, Trio, 9FX
HITACHI.ZIP 1996-09-14 00:00 19KWIN 95 drivers for HITACHI/NSA SuperScan Elite/Pro/Supreme monitors
HYUNDAI.ZIP 1996-09-14 00:00 19KWIN 95 drivers for Hyundai hl5864e 15, HL7864 17 monitors
I210R21.ZIP 1997-11-14 00:00 888K3DLabs drivers for GLINT PERMEDIA 2, for Windows NT 4.0/5.0 beta versions, Intel CPU:s
I210R21A.ZIP 1997-12-11 00:00 880K3DLabs drivers for GLINT MX, WinNT 4.0/5.0 beta versions, Intel CPU:s
I3527R15.ZIP 1996-11-28 00:00 581K3DLabs drivers for GLINT 300SX, WinNT 3.51 Intel CPU:s
I4027R15.ZIP 1996-11-28 00:00 810K3DLabs drivers for GLINT 300SX, WinNT 4.0 Intel CPU:s
I4029R20.ZIP 1997-06-24 00:00 1.1M3DLabs drivers for GLINT 500TX, WinNT 4.0 Intel CPU:s
I5029R20.ZIP 1997-07-17 00:00 1.1M3DLabs drivers for 500TX, WinNT 5.0 beta ver. Intel CPU:s
LIFETV.ZIP 1996-11-29 00:00 524KDrivers for lifetv television card
MCLK093B.ZIP 1997-05-04 00:00 104KLisää tehoo svga ohjaimeen erivalmistajien
MIR221A.ZIP 1995-01-18 00:00 792KMiro Crystal 8s,16s,16si,24s,32s v2.21 (1/2)
MIR221B.ZIP 1994-10-25 00:00 944KMiro Crystal 8s,16s,16si,24s,32s v2.21 (2/2)
MIRO.ZIP 1996-09-14 00:00 85KWIN 95 drivers for miro VIDEO 20sd, miro VIDEO 20sv, miro VIDEO 40sv ergo
MIRO140A.ZIP 1994-12-09 00:00 695KMiro Crystal drivers v1.40 1/2
MIRO140B.ZIP 1994-12-09 00:00 885KMiro Crystal drivers v1.40 2/2
MIRO1201.ZIP 1993-09-14 00:00 761KMiro Windows driver v1.20 [1/2] CRYSTAL / MAGIC / RAINBOW
MIRO1202.ZIP 1993-12-03 00:00 1.3MMiro Windows driver v1.20 [2/2] CRYSTAL / MAGIC / RAINBOW
N9S3215D.EXE 1997-11-24 00:00 855KNumber9 64GXE Pro drivers for Win95. ***BETA*** HawkEye 95 driver version 2.15
NOKIA.ZIP 1995-08-18 00:00 119KWIN 95 drivers (actually resolution info files) for NOKIA 44 series monitors
NOKIAW95.ZIP 1998-01-13 00:00 20KNokia monitors setup for Windows 95
OS2V11E.ZIP 1997-08-21 00:00 1.0MOS/2 Video Device Driver v1.1 for ASUS 3dexplorer/GX2
REFRESH9.EXE 1998-07-15 00:00 75KDOS based refresh rate setting utility for Number9 GXE64 Pro display adapter
REVTV300.ZIP 1997-04-28 00:00 1.5MWIN 3.1 drivers for Reveal TV 300 TV-tuner card
REVTV500.ZIP 1997-04-28 00:00 868KWIN 95 drivers for Reveal TV 500 TV-tuner card
RE_VE500.ZIP 1997-04-28 00:00 573KDrivers for Reveal VE500 video editing board
RT3106.ZIP 1992-07-31 00:00 197KRealtek 3106 Windows 3.1 video drivers and DOS utils.
RXDIAG33.EXE 1991-01-28 00:00 81KRasterex diagnostics v3.3
S310308.EXE 1996-10-16 00:00 123KNumber9 64GXE Pro drivers for NT4. * Windows NT 4.0 driver ver 1.03.08 for the GXE 64 Pro * Please note that the Windows NT CD-ROM does have drivers for all Number Nine cards. This is a generic S3 Driver.
SAMSUNG.ZIP 1996-09-14 00:00 19KWIN 95 drivers for Samsung, Samtro, SC,SyncMaster, monitors
SD1024.ZIP 1992-05-15 00:00 28K1024x768 ProII driver for Ventura Publisher
SIS62029.ZIP 1995-05-04 00:00 27KSIS 6202 Super VGA Display Driver v4.00.213 for Win95
SIS62051.ZIP 1995-08-30 00:00 34KSIS 6205/6201 Super VGA Display Driver v1.04a for Win95
SIS62059.ZIP 1996-01-12 00:00 125KSIS 6205 Super VGA Display Driver for Win95
SISDISP.ZIP 1996-09-14 00:00 67KSIS vga controller driver for Windows 95
SKO1430.ZIP 1989-10-12 00:00 11K800x600 ProDesigner board w/Seiko 1430 Display
SPECEISA.ZIP 1996-04-02 00:00 779KSupermac / Supermatch / Radius Spectrum/24 EISA card drivers for Windows 3.1.
SPECISA.ZIP 1996-04-02 00:00 782KSupermac / Supermatch / Radius Spectrum/24 ISA card drivers for Windows 3.1.
SPECVL.ZIP 1996-04-02 00:00 789KSupermac / Supermatch / Radius Spectrum/24 / Thunder/24 VLB card drivers for Windows 3.1.
SPECVLNT.ZIP 1996-04-02 00:00 484KSupermac / Supermatch / Radius Spectrum/24 / Thunder/24 VLB card beta drivers for Windows NT 3.5.
SPEISANT.ZIP 1996-04-02 00:00 485KSupermac / Supermatch / Radius Spectrum/24 EISA card beta drivers for Windows NT 3.5.
SVGA16.ZIP 1993-06-15 00:00 160KGeneric SVGA 800x600x16 seamless display driver for OS/2 2.x
SVGABG31.ZIP 1991-12-07 00:00 87KSVGAlle BGI-driveri v. 2.31 (TP, TC, BC)
THEISANT.ZIP 1996-04-02 00:00 485KSupermac / Supermatch / Radius Thunder/24 EISA card beta drivers for Windows NT 3.5.
THUNEISA.ZIP 1997-05-23 00:00 827KSupermac / Supermatch / Radius Thunder/24 EISA card drivers for Windows 3.1.
THUNISA.ZIP 1996-04-02 00:00 830KSupermac / Supermatch / Radius Thunder/24 ISA card drivers for Windows 3.1.
TIGA.EXE 1995-01-24 00:00 721KRasterex Win drivers.
TIGA3X.ZIP 1996-01-11 00:00 4.4KHow to install Rasterex to Win 3.x
TIGA95.ZIP 1996-01-11 00:00 4.3KHow to install Rasterex to Win 95
TVTUNE11.ZIP 1996-12-09 00:00 165KDrivers for Compro TV tuner card connected to MPB-vo3d
TW2030B6.EXE 1998-04-05 00:00 626KTweakit v2.0.30b6. Modify 3dFX videocards clock speed and other features
TWEAK3.ZIP 1991-03-07 00:00 36K800x600x16 on Standard VGA Cards
UNIVBE42.ZIP 1993-10-23 00:00 49KVESA driveri jossa tuki useammalle piirille
UVBE51A.ZIP 1995-05-02 00:00 586KUNIVBE v5.1a: Universal VESA BIOS driver makes SVGA cards compatible with VESA BIOS (VBE 2.0) standards so that games, CD-roms, utilities and other applications will work properly (and faster) in high resolution modes. Also includes: chip detection, power management, monitor centering and compatibility & performance testing utilities. Now supporting over 160 different SVGA chips.
VC800W95.ZIP 1996-01-17 00:00 116KREVEAL VC800 video card drivers for WIN 95
VD2GLIDE.ZIP 1998-07-22 00:00 1.3Mglide driver for voodoo2 chipset win95/98 generic driver release 2.0 version 1.03.01 date 20.7.98 glide version 2.53
VDGLIDE.ZIP 1998-07-22 00:00 1.6Mglide driver for voodoo2 chipset winnt 4.0 generic driver release 2.0
VESADRVR.ZIP 1991-02-25 00:00 170KVESA Drivers for Over 15 different cards.
VESALIB.EXE 1994-05-08 00:00 221KVesadrivereiden testi- ja asennusohjelma. Sisältää yleisimpien näyttökorttien vesadriverit.
VG4_320.ZIP 1995-04-07 00:00 269KVG4 OEM (pdc20630) drivers (ver 3.20)
VGA800-B.ZIP 1993-02-10 00:00 75KGeneeriset 800x600x16 driverit kaikille ossissa SVGA komennolla tuetuille näytönohjain korteille.
VGADOC4B.ZIP 1995-09-29 00:00 567KVGADOC 4/WHATVGA 2.00 Information files about tens of graphics cards and chipset. Included hardware specifications. Include also utilities with sources to detect and test graphic cards.
VIDEODR5.ZIP 1993-11-14 00:00 53KA utility to change the video drivers for full screen Win-OS/2 sessions. New version with bugfixes.
VIDEOS-3.ZIP 1994-03-03 00:00 1.2MVideo for Windows v1.10
VIZ42.ZIP 1992-07-11 00:00 71KVideo speeder.Doubles video text speed.
VLGX300A.ZIP 1996-09-14 00:00 77KVideo logic Grafix star 300 vga controller driver for Windows 95
VLGX700A.ZIP 1996-09-14 00:00 78KVideo logic Grafix star 700 vga controller driver for Windows 95
VLIGHT11.ZIP 1998-06-21 00:00 544KVoodoo Lights screen saver for Win95 + 3DFX. Beta8.
VLWN3117.ZIP 1993-12-13 00:00 970KVL-24 graphics adaptor drivers
VO3D.ZIP 1996-12-09 00:00 671KCompro MPB-vo3d video board drivers for Win 3.1, 3.11 and Win 95
VO3DPLUS.ZIP 1996-12-09 00:00 715KCompro MPB-vo3d plus (contains TV tuner) video board drivers for Win 3.1, 3.11 and Win 95
W31DGIS.ZIP 1992-02-27 00:00 331KWin 3.1Drivers for DGIS Spectragraphics Cards
XPERT_1.ZIP 1990-11-19 00:00 634KExpert VGA, levy 1.
XPERT_2.ZIP 1990-08-13 00:00 721KExpert VGA, levy 2.