********************************************************* * * * Megahertz V.90 PC Card Modem Script Files * * README.TXT file * * * * readme.txt file version: 1.0.01 * * files: MHZ_V90.* * * * ********************************************************* SCRIPTS Directory contains the following: CCMAIL - Lotus CC:Mail support files MHZ_V90.MDM - supports Megahertz V.90 PC Card Modems INSTALL.BAT - copies above file to c:\lotapps\ccmobile LAPLINK - Lap Link support files MHZ_V90.LAP - supports Megahertz V.90 PC Card Modems INSTALL.BAT - appends the above file to c:\windows\tsi\tsiusrmd.ini or if tsiusrmd.ini does not exist then the above file will be renamed to tsiusrmd.ini LOTNOTES - Lotus Notes support files MHZ_V90n.MDM - supports Megahertz V.90 PC Card Modems INSTALL.BAT - copies above file to c:\notes\data\modems MSMAIL - Microsoft Mail support files Megahertz V.90 PC Card Modems are supported with these files. MHZ_V90.SCR MHZ_V90.MSM INSTALL.BAT - Copies the above .SCR file to c:\windows\msmail\msrmt\glb NT_RAS - Remote Access Server for Windows NT 3.5x support files MHZ_V90.RAS - supports Megahertz V.90 PC Card Modems INSTALL.BAT - appends the above .RAS file to c:\winnt35\system32\ras\modem.inf SHIVA - Shiva support files MHZ_V90.SHV - supports Megahertz V.90 PC Card Modems INSTALL.BAT - appends the above .SHV file to c:\shiva\modems.ini WFW_RAS - Remote Access Server for Windows for Workgroups MHZ_V90.RAS - supports Megahertz V.90 PC Card Modems INSTALL.BAT - appends the above .RAS file to c:\windows\system\modem.inf DELRINA - contact Symantec for updated scripts Internet: http:\\www.delrina.com BBS: (416)441-2752 PC ANYWHERE - contact Symantec for updated scripts Internet: http:\\www.symantec.com BBS: (416)441-2752 PROCOMM PLUS - contact Datastorm for updated scripts Internet: http:\\www.datastorm.com BBS: (573)875-0503