[\PATH]ESPOOL [/B:BBB] [/E | /X] [/P:N | /S:N[,Baud,Parity,Databits,Stopbits][,H]] [/R] where \PATH defines the directory the file ESPOOL.EXE is located in. /B:BBB informs ESPOOL.EXE to create a print spooler of a particular kbyte size. If the specified size is too large to fit in memory, ESPOOL.EXE will adjust the size until it fits. BBB ranges from 1 to 15360 kbytes. /E informs ESPOOL.EXE to create a print spooler in extended memory. /X informs ESPOOL.EXE to create a print spooler in expanded memory. /P:N informs ESPOOL.EXE to create a print spooler for a parallel printer. The parameter N indicates which parallel printer is to be selected. N ranges from 1 to 4. /S:N informs ESPOOL.EXE to create a print spooler for a serial printer. The parameter N indicates which serial printer is to be selected. N ranges from 1 to 4. ,Baud, informs ESPOOL.EXE of the I/O format used by the serial Parity, printer. Baud can be 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, Databits, 4800, or 9600. Parity can be E for even, O for odd, or Stopbits N for none. Databits can be 7 or 8. Stopbits can be 1 or 2. ,H informs ESPOOL.EXE that serial printer uses XON/XOFF software handshaking instead of hardware handshaking. /R reports information about currently installed print spoolers. This option is intended to be used alone. When specified with other options, the other options are ignored. [ ] specifies a parameter that is optional. When entering such a parameter, leave out the bracket [ ]. For example, [/X] is entered as /X. | specifies only a single parameter, among a group of parameters, can be specified.