Atlas XP34300

         Fast SCSI-2 50-pin Connector
         Fast Wide Single Ended SCSI-2 68-Pin Connector
         Fast Wide Differential SCSI-2 68-Pin Connector
         Fast Wide Single Ended SCSI-2 80-Pin SCA

Unformatted Capacity (MB)               5,378
Formatted Capacity (MB)                 4,300

Disk Drive Configuration

Disks                                   10
Heads/Recording Surfaces                20
Tracks per Surface                      3,832
Sectors per Track                       80 to 134
Bytes per Sector                        512
Track Density (tpi)                     3,858
Recording Density (bpi)                 81,765
Encoding Method                         RLL (1,7)

Performance Specifications

Typical Seek Times (ms)                 
    Average Seek                        8.5
    Track-to-Track                      1.0
    Full Stroke                         <18

Rotational Speed (RPM)                  7,200
Average Rotational Latency (ms)         4.17
Internal Data Rate (Mb/sec)             49.1 to 82.1
Net Host User Data Rate (MB/sec)        4.9 to 8.2
Data Transfer Rates (Buffer-to-Host)
    Fast SCSI-2 (MB/sec)                10
    Fast Wide SCSI-2 (MB/sec)           20

Buffer Size (KB)                        2,048

Reliability Specifications

Projected Field MTBF (hours)            800,000
Preventative Maintenance                Not Required
Data Errors (bits per read)
    Recoverable                         <1 in 10^11
    Nonrecoverable                      <1 in 10^15

Error Correction Method                 Reed Solomon
Warranty (years)                        5

Physical Specifications

Dimensions in inches (mm)
    Width                               4.0  (101)
    Length                              5.75 (146)
    Height                              1.63 (41.4)
Weight in pounds (kg)                   2.0 (0.9)

Environmental Limits

    Temperature (°C)                    5 to 55
    Non-Condensing Humidity (%)         10 to 90
    Shock (G, 10ms)                     0.5
    Vibration (G, 22Hz to 400Hz)        0.5
    Typical Audible Noise               36
    (dBA @ 1 m, any direction, idle)

    Temperature (°C)                    -40 to 66
    Non-Condensing Humidity (%)         5 to 95

Power Specifications

Power Requirements
    +5V DC ±5% (A, typ)                 0.5
    +12V DC ±5% (A, typ)                1.0
Power Draw (W)
    Idle                                12.0
    Seek (40 percent)                   14.1

   Jumper      Name    Description                      
     TE          -     Termination enabled              
     TP          -     Termination power                
  Pins 1-2      A0     SCSI ID address selection        
  Pins 3-4      A1                                      
  Pins 5-6      A2                                      
   Pin 7      FLT Out  Fault display LED option         
   Pin 9      BSY Out  Busy display LED option          
   Pin 11      +5VDC   LED anode connection             
   Pin 13       SD     Spin delay option                
   Pin 15        -     Reserved - not used              
   Pin 17       WP     Write Protect option             
   Pin 19       SY     Spindle Sync.                    

Table 1

Termination Enable (TE)

One of the requirements of the SCSI bus is that it be properly terminated. If more than one SCSI device is connected to the host, only the last device must be terminated. The Terminator Enable (TE) jumper, when installed, enables an active termination circuit, thereby terminating the SCSI bus. With the TE jumper removed, bus termination is disabled.

At the factory, Quantum configures the Atlas XP32150/34300S hard disk drive with termination enabled; that is, with a jumper installed across the termination pins on jumper block J5. To disable termination, remove the jumper from the pins at location J5. [Refer to figure 1 for jumper location.]

Note: There are no Termination Resistor Packs to remove on this drive.

Termination Power (TP)

It is recommended that the drive be configured to provide Termination Power to the SCSI bus. This ensures that there is sufficient power along the entire SCSI bus. The Termination Power (TP) jumper, when installed, enables termination power to be provided by the disk drive.

At the factory, Quantum configures the Atlas XP32150/34300S hard disk drive with termination power enabled; that is, with a jumper installed across the termination power pins on jumper block J5. To disable termination power, remove the jumper from the pins at location J5. [Refer to figure 1 for jumper location.]

SCSI-Bus Device Identification

Used in combination, the jumper settings across reference pins of the Option Connector J3 determine the Atlas XP32150/34300S hard disk drive's SCSI-bus device I.D.

To assign a different SCSI ID, change the jumper settings as shown in Table 2.

Pins 5-6  Pins 3-4  Pins 1-2   SCSI ID  

   OFF       OFF       OFF        0     
   OFF       OFF       ON         1     
   OFF       ON        OFF        2     
   OFF       ON        ON         3     
   ON        OFF       OFF        4     
   ON        OFF       ON         5     
   ON        ON        OFF        6     
   ON        ON        ON         7     

Table 2

Spin Delay (SD)

With the Spin Delay jumper installed, across pins 14-15 of Option Connector J-3, the drive will start power up sequence immediately when power is applied. With the Spin Delay jumper removed the drive will power up when a START/STOP command is issued by the host adapter.

By default, Quantum configures the drive with a jumper installed across pins 14-15.

Spindle Sync (SY)

Atlas disk drives support synchronized spindle operation. Master or slave synchronized operation is set through a SCSI Mode Select Page.

When the drive operates as a Master drive, it generates a spindle synchronization reference signal, SPINDL_SYNC_REF L. When operating as a slave, the drive synchronizes its spindle according to the SPINDL_SYNC_REF L input reference. The drive always maintains local speed regulation when no reference signal is applied.

Pin 19, of Option Connector J-3, is provided to facilitate installations where a 2-pin connector for SPINDL_SYNC_REF L will be used. For Atlas drives, pin 10 is provided as an alternate connection to facilitate installations where a 10-pin header is used to connect several remote features. The ground return is pin 20, although pins 2, 4, or 6 can be used for ground return.

Write Protect (WP)

To enable write protection on the drive, install the referenced jumper across pin pair 17-18 of Option Connector J-3. To disable write protection from the drive, remove the jumper from pin pair 17-18.

Remote LED Status Display

Busy and Fault status for Atlas XP32150/34300S disk drives can be monitored remotely by connecting a remote Busy and a remote Fault display LED to the drive's Option Connector J-3.

Busy status is monitored remotely by connecting the cathode side of the remote Busy LED to the BSY_OUT L pin. The anode side of the LED connects to the +5 VDC OUT pin.

Fault status is monitored remotely by connecting the cathode side of the remote Fault LED to the FLT_OUT L pin. The anode side of the LED connects to the +5 VDC OUT pin.