Grand Prix XP34301/XP32151S - 50 pin Single Ended

   Jumper    Setting Description                      

     TE        OFF   Termination disabled             
               ON    Termination enabled              

     EP        OFF   Parity checking disabled         
               ON    Parity checking enabled          

     WS        OFF   Wait/spin disabled               
               ON    Wait/spin enabled                

    A2, A1,     -    These jumpers are used in        
     A0              combination to determine the     
                     drive's SCSI ID [See table 2]    

     DS        OFF   Delay Spin disable               
               ON    Delay Spin enable                

     J2        ON    SCSI termination power from      
               OFF   drive.                           
                     SCSI termination power from      

Table 1

Termination Enable (TE) Jumper

One of the requirements of the SCSI bus is that it be properly terminated. If more than one SCSI device is connected to the host, only the last device must be terminated. The Terminator Enable (TE) jumper, when installed, enables an active termination circuit, thereby terminating the SCSI bus. With the TE jumper removed, bus termination is disabled.

At the factory, Quantum configures the Grand Prix XP32151/34301 hard disk drive with termination enabled; that is, with a jumper installed across the pins labeled TE. To disable termination, remove the jumper from the TE pins.

Note: There are no Termination Resistor Packs to remove on this drive.

Enable Parity (EP) Jumper

The Enable Parity (EP) jumper controls parity checking of data across the SCSI bus. With parity checking enabled, the drive performs parity checking. With parity checking disabled, the drive continues to generate parity information, but does not perform parity checking.

At the factory, Quantum configures the Grand Prix XP32151/34301 hard disk drive with parity checking enabled; that is, with a jumper installed across the pins labeled EP. To disable parity, remove the jumper from the EP pins.

Delay Spin Jumper

With the DS jumper disabled, the drive will start power up sequence immediately when power is applied. With the DS jumper enabled, the drive will pause 8 seconds times the device I.D.

Example: SCSI ID 2 x 8 seconds; drive power up sequence start after 16 seconds.

Wait /Spin (WS) Jumper

With the Wait/Spin (WS) jumper disabled, at power on or reset, the drive motor starts to spin automatically, and the drive prepares itself to perform read or write operations without the need for a start command. At a power on or reset, with the Wait/Spin jumper enabled, the host must send a START/STOP UNIT command to activate the drive motor for read or write operations. In addition, with the W/S jumper enabled, the drive performs power sequencing to prevent an overload of the host's power supply due to simultaneous, peak start-up current demands from multiple devices.

At the factory, Quantum configures the Grand Prix XP32151/34301 hard disk drive with the Wait/Spin jumper disabled; that is, without a jumper installed across the pins labeled WS. To enable Wait/Spin, install a jumper across the pins labeled WS.

RAID Jumper

TBD - Not currently defined.

SCSI-Bus Device Identification (A0 - A2) Jumpers

Used in combination, the jumper settings across pins A2, A1 and A0 determine the Grand Prix XP32151/34301 hard disk drive's SCSI-bus device I.D. By default, Quantum configures the drive with a SCSI ID of 6; that is, with jumpers installed across the pins labeled A2 and A1, and no jumpers installed across pins labeled A0.

To assign a different SCSI ID, change the jumper settings as shown in Table 2.

Note: The drive does have an additional ID position of A3, this is not currently used on the narrow or 50 pin drive. Please ignore this setting, please leave open.

   A2        A1        A0      SCSI ID  

   OFF       OFF       OFF        0     
   OFF       OFF       ON         1     
   OFF       ON        OFF        2     
   OFF       ON        ON         3     
   ON        OFF       OFF        4     
   ON        OFF       ON         5     
   ON        ON        OFF        6     
   ON        ON        ON         7     

Table 2

Alternate Address Connector

The drive's Alternate Address Connector is mounted on the front edge of the drives PCB assembly, near the LED. Please reffer to table 3 for connector definitions.

Spindle Sync

The Alternate Address Connector contains the Spindle Sync. jumper. Please refer to the table 3 definition.

      Pin          Signal Name    

       1                A3        
       2              Ground      
       3                A2        
       4              Ground      
       5                A1        
       6              Ground      
       7                A0        
       8              Ground      
       9                SY        
       10             Ground      
       11             LEDOUT      
       12            LEDANODE     
Table 3

Copyright 1995 Quantum Corporation
500 McCarthy Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035
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