A question about headlight mounting

Postby Moparman1972 » 12 Jun 2006 0:31

Ok, so I purchased 1970 headlight bezels for my 70 grille to put on my 72 Challenger. It all indeed fits quite nicely, and I already made some braces to better support the grille. I am still clueless as to how the adjustment assemblies for each headlight off of the 72 grille is supposed to mount up, as I was told that they would work with the 70 assembly. I was going to go ahead and make my own mounting plates for them, but I figured I'd see if anyone had some pictures as to what it looks like under the bezels and how it all mounts up. It would be greatly appreciated, so I dont blunder my attempt at fabricating my own stuff. If all else fails, I can get parts from a junkyard, but I've checked all of the local ones and not one of them has a 70 Challenger. I'm especially interested in the spacing of the headlights from the bulkhead in the fender, as far as where the outer headlight sits in contrast to the inner one. Thanks.
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