Drivers side remote mirror cable routing

Postby 440six » 09 Nov 2001 3:25

Can anyone tell me how the cable on the driver's side remote mirror is supposed to be routed through the drivers side door??? For the life of me I can't seem to figure it out.

Drivers side remote mirror cable routing

Postby VON » 09 Nov 2001 20:25

When I took mine out and tried to put it back in I couldn't figure it out either. Mine did have some plastic circular clips that went around the three cables and I clipped them to the front of the door. (the door end by the hinges)There was a bracket with some holes and I just pushed it in. Any Better

Drivers side remote mirror cable routing

Postby 440six » 10 Nov 2001 0:34

Von, I did the same thing, but it is still seemed to catch on one of the roller mechanisms. Is yours working like that now..?? If so, I'll try it again that way.
Thanks, Barry