Posted: 10 Jun 2008 21:27
Yeah Barc, that sucks! They,(1 Sams Club), disposed of a million in foodstufs alone. The employees were allowed to consume it though! No Joke. Dave I laughed very hard picturing Billy doing that! Thanks to all, it looks like the worst has come and gone. Dry for the next 3-5 days. Whew, it was close gentlemen. I have learned much from this. The water 'came' within a few hours literally. There was no time for these folks to react or enable a contingency plan. You cannot stop large volumns of rainwater. It's always best to live on high ground, even if it means building the foundation a little higher like a moat around your structure. Many newer homes built like this survived. Those that built in low lying areas are still under 3-5 ft. of water.