Posted: 07 Oct 2007 13:46
It is with regret that I feel I must make this post. I am not going to mention any names. I suggested a parts supplier to a member of this board and now the member is experiencing a problem recieving his part.In the post the suggestion was made to use Pentastar Parts. Apparently there are two suppliers that sound similar. Pentastar Reproductions and Penstar Parts. One is located in Australia, the other in Pennsylvania. I informed the member that I had used inline tube but not Penstar Parts. He used the one I didnt do any business with and currently has a "problem". I being a Team Player and feel we are all "brothers" decided to assist him by e-mailing said businesses in support of my friend. No vindictive or childlike language was ever used to anyone in question. This was done professionally. I may kid around alot but my old job I retired from was well, dangerous and required the use of professionalism and attention to detail. But most importantly, I was trained to live by the motto"individuals Die, TEAMS SURVIVE". There fore if you become my friend I will do almost anything to help you including self-sacrifice. I dont know any otherway. My loyalty is similar to our canine friends. In the enviornment I used to work in a dissimilar attitude could easily cost you your life. Back to the problem, I guess I could retract and say "dont use PentastarParts" but this is wrong because I/WE dont know all the little details, how long, how much ect..(none of my business). I guess I am trying to say, I wanted to help my friend and now it's come to him being upset at me. I am sorry for recommending a solution to a problem. This is made me "gunshy" of helping people on this board. Edward Nasser "Eddie"