by JJ » 05 Mar 2007 13:14
Barry, you are right with the Coupe and the Hardtop thing. That's the way Chrysler had it in the old brochures and the dealer sales folders as well.
I made the experience that people usually say that they own a Coupe or a Convertible. When they say Coupe, they always (or 99%) mean the Two-Door Hardtop. In Europe for example, owners always say that they have a Coupe, I never heard of someone saying he has a Hardtop. The word Coupe is more common there and used with other car-brands, too. The word Hardtop is used in Europe to describe a Removable Hard-Top, for example the one used in the Mercedes SL (W107 series).
So I thought Coupe makes is easier for all owners around the world.