by jr » 22 Feb 2005 21:56
Ran that article thru OCR and Babelfish.
Completely the car of a 30-Jaehrigen from Marl was destroyed with a Verkehsunfall in Rapen. The Ewald route remained closed for two and a half hours. WAZ picture: Matthias's rough one car burns after accident on the Ewald route completely from driver climbs intactly from the vehicle - road closed minister Bernhard Liesner asked yesterday ensureful for the fate of the Fahres. An unnecessary concern: Because the 30 years old Marler had already himmlischen assistance with the traffic accident yesterday against 12UhraufderEwaldstrasse. It climbed intactly from its completely destroyed and burned out American road cruiser from the year 1966. Contrary to the 36 years old person involved in accident, who was brought in the hospital. The 30-jaehrige drove toward datteln, when the Dattelnerin with its passenger car from the road on the Kolven turned toward datteln. The Marler tried to still brake drove however into the passenger car of the 36-jaehrigen, whose car hurled against a road-side tree. Only well 200 meters the 66-er Dodge beside a current mast continued to hit against a bricked field entry. By the impact gasoline ran out, which caught fire from the exhaust. Fire-brigade rage to the place and deleted the fire, which had seized also the Inneraum. There an expensive music plant burned 25,000 DM according to data of the driver. The damage to property at the vehicles is numbered with approximately 30,000 DM. GD