burdar wrote:R/T Specialties sells a huge variety of fasteners. Definatly check them out. Since these cars aren't usually driven in bad weather any more, I don't see the need for stainless hardware. The excetion being brake/fuel lines and gas tank straps.
Most of your fasteners can be reused. It does take some extra time, but the money savings is substantial. If money isn't a concern, by all means, save yourself the hastle and buy new fasteners. For me, money is a big issue. This is what I did...
Using a combination of EvapoRust, a Harbor Freight parts tumbler and a small bead blasting cabinet, I cleaned up all the origonal fasteners that were reusable. The parts that were origonally clear zinc plated were sent out to be replated.( a big bucket of fasteners and small brackets cost a total of $40)
Then I bought a black oxide kit from Caswell Plating so I could replicate the phosphate(dark gray) color of the other fasteners. The kit(black oxide concentrate and sealer) was less than $50 to my door. I'd say I was able to reuse about 90% of my origonal hardware and saved a lot of money. It did take quite a bit of work cleaning up everything though.
As far as YearOne is concerned, they are great for people outside the US because you have "one stop shopping". There are many other companies out there and they all have better prices/shipping costs.IMO Here is a small list of companies that I've used that you should check out.
Dales Cuda Shop
Dante's Parts
Metro Parts
Herb's Parts
Check out Jules Daddio for your wiper motor restoration and or latch restoration. Scott Smith for carb restoration and Booster Dewey for your brake booster needs. Dixie Restoration Parts is also a good soarce for OE correct parts. They also restore alternators and starters to OE condition.
Good luck with the car!!!
Thank you for the great info....like most of us, money is always a issue, but I'm looking at time savings, so with that in mind and the fact that the old fasteners are crap and busted when I pulled most off, we need to add the cost of new ones to the build budget..the other parts work great and will look new when re-installed...with a rattle can paint....after all I am a cheap bastard....great links thanks again...L