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71 Challenger Conv back in the area!

PostPosted: 11 Feb 2004 2:47
by moparmaniac (owner4)
A friend of mine has recently purchased one of my old Challengers from Redchallenger. The journey home was horrible. we totalled our buddies new truck on interstate because of some idiot. The car survived unscratched. In the panic of the situation I forgot to take pics of the horrendeous crash. The trailer and car are buddies new Chivie, a total loss(if any). Here she is and alot planned to do over the next year. This is the pic appx 1 hour before the nightmare began. Another friend of mine came to the rescue with his Dodge truck to bring the Challenger on home (should of done that in the first place). :shock:

PostPosted: 11 Feb 2004 8:37
by dave-r
Was that taken outside Jeffs house? What a sad day for Jeff that must have been anyway, seeing "his car" being driven away, let alone it almost getting wrecked! :cry:

Glad the car was unscathed and I take it no-one was seriously hurt??

PostPosted: 11 Feb 2004 11:52
by moparmaniac (owner4)
No one was seriously hurt. Yes it was a sad day for jeff. But when I sold it to Jeff, he helped me out of a grave financial situation. Now was the time for me to do the same for him. The car is just in safe keeping...he will own it back again someday! I turned in a buddy favor to help Jeff out. :D

PostPosted: 11 Feb 2004 11:55
by dave-r
You're one of the good guys mate. 8)