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PostPosted: 10 Feb 2009 8:39
by dave-r

Better make sure that Challenger straps down well if you are going to let me do any of the driving Eddie. :lol:

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2009 13:13
by fal308
Nice trailer Eddie. Is there a screen on the vent?
Another option you may want to add would be to get some of that no-see-um screen mesh, attach velcro to the top and sides and set up tp attach to the doors.
Also does this mean your good truck may see some weather in the future? :s014:

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2009 13:59
by Eddie
Thanks, the diesel will be used for the trailer rain or shine. It has a screened vent on the window opening. The only decals I like are MoPar or Chrysler, "Planned Parenthood,, waste disposal", which one? :lol: No problems driving this rig Dave. It's very easy, the only part you wont enjoy is all the shifting. I thought I was gonna have trouble backing it in, but It wasnt that difficult at all. I'm gonna put 2 more D-Ring holddowns on the floor just to make sure. I'm also completely broke and cant afford the insurance or Liscence plates till next month. :?

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2009 14:11
by ianandjess
awesome dog box eddie youll be set now when the mrs locks you out
cheers ian

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2009 14:27
by dave-r
airfuelEddie wrote:No problems driving this rig Dave. It's very easy,

Oh I don't have any wories about that mate. But the last time I tried reversing a trailer it took me a few goes... :oops:

the only part you wont enjoy is all the shifting.

As long as I don't have to use the clutch constantly in heavy traffic my knee should hold up. :thumbsup:

completely broke and cant afford the insurance or Liscence plates till next month. :?

I think you have made the biggest financial commitment out of the lot of us mate. I hope when this is all done and dusted you will feel it has all been worth while. :wink:

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2009 14:37
by dave-r
airfuelEddie wrote: the only part you wont enjoy is all the shifting.

I am more concerned with all the farting if we have to camp in this sucker. :lol:
Make sure that vent is big enough! :s022:

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2009 14:48
by fal308
Dave, I don't presume to speak for Eddie, but a trailer is a good thing to have. Mine isn't fancy and enclosed like Eddie's but then again my Ramcharger won't fit in his :s004: It can haul cars , furniture, firewood, construction materials, most anything :thumbsup:
The hardest things about owning a trailer is where to park it (Eddie's got that covered) and all your friends and family wanting to borrow it. :s021: :lol2:

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2009 15:05
by dave-r
I would love a trailer. It is 250 miles to Santa Pod Raceway and my annual club meeting is over 300 miles away. It would make it much more affordable to take my car to the various meetings around my country.

But I have absolutely nowhere to park one! And if you leave one outside anywhere in my city it will be stolen pretty damn quick even if chained up.

You can't even hire them any more. Not in my city. They used too. But non of the hire ones ever came back. :lol:

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2009 15:08
by drewcrane
the other thing about having an enclosed trailer is that it offers another garage to park a car if need be,
and yes i think we will have plenty of free gas if you know what i mean :ashamed: our eyes will be burning :tears:

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2009 15:16
by Eddie
dave-r wrote:
airfuelEddie wrote: the only part you wont enjoy is all the shifting.

I am more concerned with all the farting if we have to camp in this sucker. :lol:
Make sure that vent is big enough! :s022:
OK fine, I wont bring my Fava Bean dip or Hoummus!! :biggrin:

PostPosted: 10 Feb 2009 16:16
by fal308
Its a good thing cameras don't have smell-a-vision :s008:

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2009 22:21
by patrick
Still seven month's, away. :roll: This is kind of like, waiting for my 21st birthday. :p:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 0:47
by Moparman1972
There better be pictures, and video, and souveniers, and all of it better be on the message board.

I am really really jealous.

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 1:28
by drewcrane
we might be able to post along the way wouldn't that be modern :s013:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 2:33
by Jon
drewcrane wrote:we might be able to post along the way wouldn't that be modern :s013:

Pictures too. That would be awesome. 8)

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 6:36
by patrick
Jon. I don't think there is any reason why, you shouldn't meet us in Goldfield. Isn't that a day trip, for you? You too, auta become part of this trip, anyway. I can't wait, to meet you guy's face to face. We are all, Mopar Bro's. Might be awhile before, we can do this, again! :wink:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 9:45
by dave-r
It will be the ONLY time I will be doing this that's for sure.

My eldest sister that used to live near San Francisco in the '80s sent me her maps of the area. I was quite excited about how close Goldfield is to Death Valley, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Yosemite, etc.

But then I realised the scale of the map. :s008: :lol:

Still. Camping or spending a day in Yosemite would be cool if it is possible.

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 14:16
by drewcrane
Still. Camping or spending a day in Yosemite would be cool if it is possible. we should be able to do something like that ,im sure of it! i have some camping gear, and in the spring i will get it out and see what i have and make a list of what we need,
i havent camped out since me and the wife had our camp invaded by momma and her 3 cubs, this will be fun!

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 15:14
by Eddie
This will be my only time do this as well. It's now or never for me. I'll be 'camping' every night! :lol: (The car(s), will never be left unattended, not for a moment)!! :wink2:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 15:19
by Eddie
Has anyone heard from Bob? (our team will need at least 3 persons, one trading off with my tow vehicle and riding shotgun with me in the R/T) If you cant drive a 4 AND a 6 speed,,,,,,, :sleepy:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 15:26
by patrick
Not a word. I thought you had your fellow Hoosier Bro. inked. :roll:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 15:30
by Eddie
'inked'?? no, which is why I have asked 2 times now. :lol:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 15:38
by Eddie
You meet the nicest folks in Nevada. "The Hills have Eyes" reminds me of my last time there. Very pleasant. :lol:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 15:49
by patrick
Yike's! :shock: I saw that movie. Kind of remind's me of some of the folk's, in the back hill's, around here. :wink:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 16:23
by Eddie
You too huh Pat! 8)

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 16:28
by drewcrane
i have 2 car nuts that live here,that are planning on going with us, we wont have any problems with drivers, i can drive the truck, and someone can drive my car,we will be fine! :s017:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 16:34
by Eddie
drewcrane wrote:i have 2 car nuts that live here,that are planning on going with us, we wont have any problems with drivers, i can drive the truck, and someone can drive my car,we will be fine! :s017:
Excellent! :thumbsup: But, expect Dave&I to be pretty 'haggard' by the time we get to your place Drew. We both have bad knee,(s), bad back,(me), osteo-arthritis in my shoulders, knees, hips ecttt my doctor will shoot me up with Hylgan, some anti-inflammatory meds ect,, we should be terrific! :lol: :s024:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 16:37
by Eddie
Seriously, other than this nasty flu I now have, I've been working out again, endurance&strength training along with a good diet, supplements, ect,, I want to be in good shape for this!! :thumbsup: I wish Wayne were here to kick, err I mean train me. :wink:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 18:08
by drewcrane
We both have bad knee,(s), bad back,(me),hey that sounds just like me, yea i intend on some sort of regimen to get in some kind of shape before all this, yes we will be sore but it will be worth it,
the plan here is i have 2 air mattresses, and a room with a regular bed,maybe dave will get the bed since he gets the long distance award,
now if more people are coming i can get more air mattresses,as we will use them on the trip also, i have to have an air mattress for my back ,they are really nice and can be adjusted to suit too
!so any other ideas are needed like camp stoves, i have one,like i said i need to get out my camp stuff and make an inventory
,when we get closer we need to come up with a plan on where we are gonna stay , cause we can reserve camp spots, we just need to know where,and when :biggrin:

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2009 18:21
by Alaskan_TA
Just curious, so I have to ask.....

With Dave along, will this actually be the "Vanishing Pint Road Trip" ?