Adrian Worman wrote:I was talkin to a mate of mine who runs containers across the pond on a regular basis, mainly AMD panels.
He reckoned 1500 bucks for the crate charges, his nett costs as a favour to me, but he thought insurance for 2-3 weeks was only a few hundred bucks?
Yes insurance is a bit of an issue and somewhat complicated ,you can yet liability,and coverage for your person ie medical,injury,
but you cant get a total comprehensive coverage for you and the car another words you are covered if you hit some one and their injuries ,but the actual car will not have coverage.
Roland and I spent hours on the phone with various companies and he ended up with Chartis they at least had that coverage for his person and if he hit some one he was covered but his car was not so he went with some risk.
but as far as bringing a car over here from another land they will cover you driving a car from here but not a car from out of the country .........make sense? I know it doesnt and I think it is PURE BS
I talked to this lady from with a thick NY accent from Chartis and she was pretty nice and was able to get something done for Roland
and now I just found out Chartis is now been bought out by AIG, so look in to it if you are serious and if you have your car delivered to NY and ship it out of Houston consider your drive time and holiday time ,if you use the interstate Hiways NY to Denver 1777 miles ,26 hours Denver to Houston Tx 1200 miles 16 hours,
Gas will be the main cost of this trip toss in another $1500 on the low end to $3500 on the high end lets hope prices stay stable for 2 years