by Eddie » 25 Oct 2011 16:40
Chuck, it's not so much as a 'pressure' test as it is placing the system in a vacum. The best way to test the system is to put the components in the car, put a few ounces of PAG oil in the assembled system, put it under around 30 inches of vacum and see if it can hold this vacum for at least 20 minutes with little if any variance. The MOST important component is the compressor head, if it has failed in the past it should be either replaced or sent off to a compressor manufacturer, the reason is contamination, if it has failed it will be filled with alluminum metal shards, if it has circulated thru the system the 'shards will be in almost every component. This is why a good compressor that has a proven history or is new is prefered. The expansion valve should also be either new or a good known unit. I know this can be a pain, but testing individual components would be difficult unless you have specialised equipment and the fittings to test the components, plus assembled you can test the lines, fittings, valve, condensor ect as a system which would be hard to do indivudually. Hope this helps