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How many?

PostPosted: 21 Oct 2008 21:15
by Dave
As the title implies, anyone know how many '74 Dodge Challenger's reside in the UK?
Couldn't think of a better place to ask :)

Edit: Out of curiosity, anyone have a breakdown of model year and number of cars here in the UK?

PostPosted: 22 Oct 2008 7:58
by dave-r
Your best bet is to contact the MMA as Matt has been collecting infomation on UK Mopars for many many years now. He at least has a list of any cars that have EVER been owned by MMA members but he also has noted down many non-club cars that he has seen at shows.

This will still not be a complete list of course. It is amazing how these things turn up now and again from peoples back yards.