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Mysterious "M"

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2003 9:20
by Christer
The fender tag belongs to a ยด71 Challenger. Any ideas of what that "M" stands for?
(See: ... egory=6198 )

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2003 11:27
by dave-r
Don't know that one. It might help to work it out if we could make out the main fender tag or even just see what engine it came with?

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2003 11:36
by Christer
here is the fender tag info:

R11 V6X 26 EM2

J25 J54 M21 N41 N42 N85

V1X U C16 C55 G15 G36

EV2 H5X9 000 908 010783

G55 D32 JS23 H18 13xxxx

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2003 17:52
by dave-r
I am still no wiser. My only guess is it is some sort of inspection tag.

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2003 6:13
by Christer
It strikes me that the "M" may as well be a "W". Maybe it stands for "With", "White" or something like that.... :?

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2003 14:50
by Jen
The M is just a factory inspection stamp. There is a 3 cut out on my Coronet fender tag. Some tags have them and some don't it dosen't mean anything.

PostPosted: 08 Dec 2003 14:57
by Jen
this is not my tag. It has a 1 cut out of it.


PostPosted: 11 Dec 2003 11:26
by Christer
Please allow me to guess a few times :P (and promise not to laugh at me...)

What if a "W" means that the car has been adopted to Winther-climate. That is, fluids and thermostat and so on, have been switched to winther-suitable parts???

About the "1" on your tag: How about one of these two explanasions: Either an assembly worker with too little to do OR a sign that this is the first car built by the night shift??? (It is not very unusual that the assembly workers find unauthorized ways of doing things. Believe me, I have worked on the assembly line myself)

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2003 12:05
by dave-r
They had different habbits in different plants. That tag with the #1 stamped through it is a St. Louis built car. I don't know if this is common on cars built there or not because I only look at Challenger tags and they never made them there.

That other one does look like a 'W' rather than a 'M'.

PostPosted: 06 Oct 2004 18:49
by mysticwarrior
The additional tag is indeed an inspection tag. This was in response to some saying that Chrysler had spoty build quality. There would be a final inspection, and that inspector would then punch the tag certifying that all was put together correctly.

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2004 0:49
by Alaskan_TA
Yup, inspection tag. Some are aluminum, some are paper and they are usually gone on most cars. The W or M as it may be could have been the initial for the inspectors last name?

Original 1970 Hamtramck tags have inspection stamps in the upper right hand corner, but they do not always show up well and are easily covered with thick paint. The highest number I have seen for an inspection stamp for a 1970 Hamtramck car so far is 32, so they must have had at least that many inspectors?


PostPosted: 07 Oct 2004 7:24
by dave-r
Alaskan_TA wrote: so they must have had at least that many inspectors?

Or a high turn over of inspectors?