Can someone supply pictures of exactly how all the plastic panels line up on the lower and sides of the dash? I just want to make sure it's RIGHT. Is there a reference guide/ photos of this? Thanks!
I found this picture online last week. I think this is a best case scenario. A lot of the time the fit between the pad and the right hand L trim isn't very good.
That's a great link, but I could not find anything that would help me. The diagram/ photo I need is of the entire lower portion of the dash which would show the corner side panels, lower map light panel and so forth.
Not sure if these are of any help, but here's a few I've managed to take. Excuse the quality. My camera is very touchy and has a very shallow depth of field, and can be very hard to focus with little light.
The drivers side panel is mismatched (1st pic). Not sure if something went wrong, if the lower section is from a different year - or if the repros were just made that way - I dunno?
I've put a link under each for a higher resolution version.