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Dash Pad Script
25 Aug 2009 2:12
by rz9k67
I had my dash pad for a '70 r/t redone by just dashes. Wonderful job but the 'Challenger' script on the passenger side fell off. Being 40 years old, it shattered when it hit the floor, and I lost some parts of it.
Anyone re-poping that script for a 70 challenger dash pad? Just Dashes said no, that they re-use the old one.
Anyone have a line on one?
25 Aug 2009 8:09
by dave-r
You are going to have to find one on a parts car. Don't forget they are supposed to have a chrome like finish. Most have been worn down to the black plastic.
26 Aug 2009 4:25
by don-340-4
I was able to buy a new repop from Ultimate Rides Dashes, it is a chrome plastic script, i don't think this is an item they sell but i was able to get them to send me one for $25.00. Sorry i don,t have there tel.#
27 Aug 2009 8:05
by dave-r
I painted mine with "Super Glue" and rubbed aluminium kitchen foil onto it. Then trimmied around it carefully with a sharp blade.
Someone suggested later that I could have used the much thinner foil from a popular chocolate bar over here which might have been better but it looks fine anyway.
28 Aug 2009 2:58
by rz9k67
The airplane modeler guys (I graduated from models to real cars over the years - restorations are a 'big model) have a very thin, compliant bright metal foil that nicely wraps to most shapes. Easy to apply.
Available on line or in most higher end modeling shops. Assuming you have a good core script.
I'll try Ulitimate Rides. Thanks for the tips.
28 Aug 2009 3:02
by rz9k67
bah, looks like Ulitmate Rides has 'poofed'. They still in business?