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Rear brake light is staying on

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2005 1:24
by roadrunner
Drivers side rear brake light is staying on. Just started and it's been cold. Is this due to the cold weather, or is there a switch going bad? Or any other suggestons?

Tail Light problem

PostPosted: 31 Jan 2005 5:44
by Charlie Backes
We had a similar problem with our 64 Barracuda. Tail lights would sometimes work and other times not at all. One would work and the other would not. Checked for good grounding and found that to be OK. One day I had to change the turn signal cancel switch in the steering column and all our odd tail light problems went away. Been working properly for 4 years now. Hope this helps.

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2005 11:28
by roadrunner
Wonder if a 70 Challenger has one of these?

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2005 12:51
by dave-r
Yes you have a turn signal switch in your steering column. :bonk: (The cancel bit is built in.) :wink:

Assuming all your lights otherwise can't be the brake switch because then both lights would come on. It seems unlikely to be a short circuit in the wiring. Knowing how badly made the dodge turn signal switch is made though I would guess is is the switch in the column too.

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2005 10:38
by roadrunner
In case someone else has this problem, it ended up being the brake switch that is triggered by applying the brake. NAPA had one for about 8 dollars. Problem solved. :D

PostPosted: 08 Mar 2005 11:01
by dave-r
But that would switch on both brake lights and you said it was just the drivers side? :?

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2005 13:00
by roadrunner
Dave, you may be right. It appeared to fix the problem at first but now it's back.

Is it possible the light sockets are somehow not grounding??? Or any other thoughts......

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2005 16:57
by dave-r
As we originally said look at the turn signal switch in the steering column.