by Graham Shortreed (Transma » 31 Jul 2003 17:48
From what you've said you've probably got a cut lip seal on the front clutch piston. This will cause a slipping condition. I'll bet you're also right that the fibre frictions are burnt, and the steel plates most likely have heat marks on them too.
I'm not aware of different thickness plates for that drum, that would make any real difference to your clutch pack clearances. Typically they measure .091 to .097 thick, and Raybestos are the OEM plates Chrysler uses.
I've measured the friction plates from 3 different suppliers, and the measurements are as follows.
Raybestos (stock) .094
Raybestos (blue racing plates) 0.94
Borg Warner (non racing) .095
Alto (red racing plates ) .095
If you want to put more frictions in the front clutch drum, rembember that there were 3 different ones, a 3 friction drum (most common in the 727), a 4 friction drum, and the 5 friction drum (most rare, except it is now available in the aftermarket, made from steel, not cast iron. You can modify the 3 pack drum to accomodate 4 frictions, by having a machine shop cut a grove higher up in the drum. Make sure though that the person doing this is knowledgeable.
Just a little reminder Dave, when you install lip seals on a piston, make sure you use lots of assembly lube, common everyday vasoline works just fine and dandy.