Re: 500" stroked build
Posted: 12 Nov 2013 1:44
Adrian Worman wrote:On that subject of trapped gasses I assume that was the reason for the trend of setting the 2nd ring gap slightly loose so as to get the gasses between the two top rings to escape
Yes, but that trend is mainly for higher RPM Race engines that are re-built frequently and have special low tension rings. It's all in the top ring! I think the accumulator groove is another way to get the same result but with class racing seal and friction battle each other and anything to get the seal with less tension and thinner rings, 3mm,,Dykes, reverse cut,, ect can gain you some power but at the expense of longevity. Ive never used Gapless rings but in my next build they will be used! Ive spoken with a few pro engine builders/Machinists who at 1st didn't like them. But now they embrace them!