iPod/iPhone Dynolicious Software Better than G-Tech.

Postby dave-r » 19 Aug 2008 9:34

This is very interesting.


Dynolicious News

Greetings fellow gearheads!

I just wanted to take a moment to update you all on a few items of interest.

First, in case you haven't seen it, version 1.1 of Dynolicious became available for download last week. This version added the much-requested metric support for our international friends. It also corrected the calibration issue that was affecting some users, and cleaned up a handful of other minor issues. If you haven't updated yet, it's quick, easy, and free. Just click on the App Store icon on your phone, and go to the updates tab.

Next, we finally posted the Dynolicious User's Manual online. It can be found here:


Lastly, I'd like to make a quick request. As some of you know, Dynolicious received some bad press in its first few days, due to issues out of our control. A handful of angry users, who did not give us a chance to respond, posted negative reviews in the App Store, which remain even though the issues were either fixed or not even ours to begin with. All I'm asking is that if you enjoy Dynolicious as much as we think you do, that you take a moment to submit a review in the App Store. If you can take a moment to write about us in a blog or message forum, we'd love that too. Thanks!

Stay tuned for more updates in the near future, including a sneak-peek at future features of Dynolicious and other BunsenTech iPhone apps!

Until next time, keep those motors running!

Justin Morgenthau

BunsenTech, LLC
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