Wayne, I change the motor oil and filter. Place a Battery Tender with auto shutoff on the battery or simply check it from time to time and put a charger on it. I put RedLine fuel system conditioner,(one bottle to full tank), although it's not really needed because I start and run the engine every 10 days for at least 10 minutes so fresh 94 Sunoco octane is put in regularly,(Our gas is very cheap at only 2.79 Gallon). This burns the water,(condensation), from the exhaust system keeping rust corrosion at bay. Anti-freeze is 50/50 with distilled water only. Our water is lime contaminated around here. A drip coffee maker will lime completely closed in 3 months time! Wash the car to remove any dust/dirt. Then I jack the car up and place it on my "padded" truck jack stands,(3 ton), at all four corners to prevent flat spotting of the tyres. Sound OK so Far? Any additional tips let me hear em!