Too much advance curve in dist.
Posted: 17 Aug 2007 0:47
Hello Dave. I had my distributer rebuilt by an old friend that has a reputable repair shop. He told me I'll probably have to play with it to get it running right. I told him about my situation about not knowing what exactly my camshaft was. He said I need an advanced curve distributer. The distributer I had only had, I think four degree's advanced curve. He made it a heck of a lot better to suit any cam I had. I haven't talked with him for a while but, I'm sure he made it more of a 1969-71 spec dizzy, without worrying about all the smog gagging stuff wich I don't have anyway. So, I know it's an advanced curve but, haven't messed with it internally. I think your right because, it never pinged before the dist. rebuild. I saw some of those other thread's on changing spring's and some kind of adjustment in the vacuum canister but, am affraid of making it worse. I'll read those again tonight when I get some more time. Thank's again, Dave! I alway's need and enjoy your input, Pat