440 pinging

Postby echo » 06 Dec 2001 16:03

I'm not convinced with the worn cam idea either.But John,it wouldn't be that hard to check it out.With new protected wiring it shouldn't cross-fire Please keep us posted

440 pinging

Postby john » 06 Dec 2001 16:17

Well I found someone with good experience and the equipment to do the job. So when the weather will permit I will take it in. We are being blasted with snow storms here and the roads are way to slick to try to drive it. I'll let you all know what is found.

440 pinging

Postby ted » 06 Dec 2001 17:48


440 pinging

Postby Bill » 15 Dec 2001 3:23

Any luck, John? I don't know if you're aware of a website called Moparts.com There is a question and answer feature. Currently, someone with the screen name TWO LANES asked "how do you eliminate pinging".
He got a reponse from ZIPPY that may help. Check it out. The original question was asked on 12-14-2001 and is currently on page two.


440 pinging

Postby john » 22 Dec 2001 16:13

Thanks I'll go there. I haven't taken my car in because the weather here is awful, it won't stop snowing. I havn't even touched the car in a mounth or so. When the roads melt down to pavement I'm taking it in.

440 pinging

Postby john » 22 Dec 2001 16:47

I couldn't find it I think I missed it. If it's there I don't know were. What did it say?

440 pinging

Postby Bill » 23 Dec 2001 0:17

Seems that they delete topics pretty quick and unfortunately this was one of them. Also, I kinda glanced at the response and did not print it out for future reference, sorry. You could register with Moparts and then post the topic again and see what you get. I know when some problems occur, we need all the help we can get!

440 pinging

Postby Charles DeGruchy (Thejagu » 29 Apr 2002 4:08

Hi, I am new to your board, and new to 440's, but am having the exact problem. I recently started a thread discussion on Moparts.com, and there were a few other people experiencing the same problem. The salient points John makes ( salient to me because his description is exact in these ways... erratic , metal sounding PINK, on acceleration only... when I recently re-connected my ignition wires, the same day I finished, the PINKING was gone. For one day. Argghhh. Anyway, my contribution is this, fixing a wiring problem temporarily stopped it. FYI, Moparts is great, your board is great too. When we get the answer, I fel it is our duty to make sure it makes it's way into the archives for future searches, and stays there !!!
Charles DeGruchy (Thejagu

440 pinging

Postby Dave-R (Roppa440) » 29 Apr 2002 12:45

I wonder if John got this sorted out ok. I never did like that worn cam theory. But cross firing ignition leads sounded right on the money to me.
Dave-R (Roppa440)

440 pinging

Postby Charles DeGruchy (Thejagu » 07 May 2002 3:56

what was the way to sheck this without spending $$ on a pro?? in anticipation of your answer, yes I will spend $$ on a pro, the noise makes me feel like something big and ugly has the motor hostage, ... but I need to learn all I can, and try all I can. was it looking for sparks or a glow while in complete darkness with engine running? under load is the other very important point. only then does it do it. and if I drive like an 80 yr old grandma, no disrespect, the PINK or whatever we have labeled it does not manifest ! thanks in advance ( FYI your site has very very good archiving and info hint hint nudge nudge ) Python fan in me ! JOHN where are you
Charles DeGruchy (Thejagu

440 pinging

Postby Dave-R (Roppa440) » 07 May 2002 8:10

First read my thread called 'How to set your ignition timing' in the electrical section and then the thread called 'Ignition leads'.

There is also a chance that it is just the exhaust manifold gasket blowing that you can hear.
Dave-R (Roppa440)

440 pinging

Postby Charles DeGruchy (Thejagu » 07 May 2002 13:53

thanks very much
Charles DeGruchy (Thejagu