Hey guys. After over a year of having my car, I am finally ready to drop the 440 in (I'm pretty sure). I've got my B&M holeshoot 2400 mounted onto my rebuilt 727. I've got bellhousing bolts (3/8"x1 1/2"). I've got the crossmember and tranny mount from the original car. And I've got the motormounts ($8 and some change per at Advance..) and the 7/16" bolts needed for that.
However, I ran into a little problem when I was trying on the motor mounts. This is an original v8 car (73 car) mind you. The passenger side mounted on just fine (both mounts are the same, i.e. no "left" or "right" mount from what I understand..). The driver's side bracket had a hole for the stud under the mount. Though no open area by which to attatch the respective nut was anywhere to be found. The bracket is closed off from all sides!
I have not come across a discussion on this yet. Am I missing something that nobody else is?! I have already gone through the trouble of removing the power steering pump to see if on of the sides opens up. NOT the case! It is welded shut: top, bottom, and four sides. I am thinking I may need to get my friend over with his torch... Whatever happens I would really like to get it in before this weekend's over (last vew days before my girlfriend finishes school and gets to steel me back from my car and then I go off to school again 2 hrs away).
I don't know how in heck I am supposed to do this without a torch (stock bolting that is..). Maybe my car is just some kind of freak... Though, I'm sure there must be some way and you all know. Thanks for any help you can send my way.