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Question about Barton's crate motor's...

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2004 1:19
by redchally
Well, my pop's and I are looking for a affordable motor with alot of go. Since we are looking for big HP, we look at Barton's engine's. Does anyone know the price and HP range of the following motors...

451" B Engine
426 Hemi
471 Hemi

The 528 Hemi already is advertised to produce 775+hp with top of the line performance parts. Can anyone give the Price and HP range of the engine's above?

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2004 7:54
by dave-r
Why don't you just call and ask?

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2004 18:14
by redchally
dave-r wrote:Why don't you just call and ask?

You know, I should have thought of that in the first place. I'll try it.

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2004 18:41
by insuranceguy
Barton's crate motor's are not inexpensive, but if you want a tuned,bench dyno'd motor, you could not go wrong. you will be in the 12-15 K range for a compelte motor to hook up to a tranny.


PostPosted: 12 Jul 2004 23:22
by redchally
From what I got, the 528 Hemi starts at $19,200. Im thinking a engine down atleast from 8k to 15k. Mopar Engine's West is what Im looking at for a crate motor now.