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Fuel Leak

PostPosted: 13 Aug 2001 14:24
by dave-r
I have a problem with fuel leaking out of the accelerator pump discharge nozzle on my six pack.

The check valve under the nozzle does not seem to be sealing in the bottom. Fuel is dribbling out at idle making it very rich. No sign of any dirt in there.

Anyone any ideas?

Fuel Leak

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2001 9:46
by Joel
Has hell frozen over? Guys, Dave is actually asking a question on the message board, for once!

Dave, are you fortunate enough to have any type of rapair and or maintenance manual that covers a Sixpack Carburetion unit? I do, even though it is for a '72. Now that I think of it, isn't you Six-pack unit a '72? Now that I am looking at the (TRI-CARB) Holley 2300 Carburetors section, previously I had no idea that the Six pack units were being produced pass '71. I have a picture or I should say a very detailed drawing of the accelerator pump system in my book. Would you like the picture and coordinating information, Dave? I do not work today, so I can take my repair and maintenance manual to my friends house where I have access to a scanner and I can send the desired picture and info there. Would you like me to do that for you, my good friend?

Fuel Leak

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2001 10:57
by dave-r
Not sure it would help Joel old buddy.

I know the fuel route and how the system works OK. I just need ideas on why it is letting fuel bleed up past the check valve.

The other problem is that this is in one of the OUTER carbs. Your stock six pack maintenance manual is not going to show that at all!

Thanks for the kind offer though.

Fuel Leak

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2001 1:16
by Joel
I hope you don't mind me looking into the matter a bit deeper for you, eh? From what the detailed drawing, the only thing that I could come up with is the the check valve needle maybe gummed up with some crudd, but you mentioned earlier that there was no indication of grime to keep the the valve from seating correctly. The only other thing that could solve your problem might be the unavoidable disassembling of the carb and check if the parts of the carb in that area are functioning as they should. If not, you might need to replace some things, ( a great large sigh). Hopefully it won't have to come to that, mate! I am starting to wonder if I want to keep the Holley carb that I have, which I haven't even taken out of the box yet!

Fuel Leak

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2001 7:37
by dave-r
I have had a couple of ideas. The very top gasket under the screw head on the discharge nozzle is a bit worn so I will try a new one. Don't hold out much hope of it being that.

Other than that I can only think to pull it apart and blow compressed air and solvent through it. I might try swapping that carb from front-to-rear as well.

Fuel Leak

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2001 1:36
by Tedd
I was reading a B-body book last night and the 440 6-pack option was offered a short time in early 1972. They only made 2 Charger Rallyes and 1 Road Runner with the 6-pack. Book was: "Charger, Road Runner, Superbee" Paul herd and Mike Mueller.

Fuel Leak

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2001 7:58
by dave-r
I think you could get them even later than that on the Jensen 440SP which is where mine came from.

Fuel Leak

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2001 8:21
by Joel
I am unfamiliar with the Jensen 440SP.

Fuel Leak

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2001 9:57
by dave-r
Really? Look up Jensen cars on the Internet. Bet you don't know about the 4WD 1970 Challengers they built either.

Fuel Leak

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2001 10:34
by Joel
Are you talking about rallye cars?

Fuel Leak

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2001 10:50
by Joel
Never mind. I do remember Jensen, though I know so very little about them. I remember reading an article about a Jensen just before class one day when I was still in high school, in 1998, my sophmore year. The only thing I can remember about the car was the way it looked, the color, and that it was powered by a Mopar powerplant.