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PostPosted: 15 May 2003 11:32
by Glenn Jackson (Henner)
I am all for the super charger under the hood and a somewhat quiet exhaust. That way people are more suprised when you blow them away.


PostPosted: 16 May 2003 8:31
by Joel Bennett (Joel)
Ohhhhhh yeeeeaaaaaah. Its the best part. Another cool thing to do to make an ultimate sleeper is, removing all the emblems, so as not to give away of what kind of car it is. When I eventually get the car back together, Lord willing, is to remove all the emblems, except the Dodge lettering on the hood. Actually, the only other emblems besides the lettering on the hood left on my car is the Challenger script on the grill. The owner that had the car before my brother bought it, removed all the emblems when he painted it and never put them back on.


PostPosted: 20 May 2003 12:07
by David Robson (Admin)

If it looks silly. It probably is.


PostPosted: 01 Jun 2003 10:43
by Joel Bennett (Joel)
Is that a quad turbo setup or are my eyes playing tricks on me? I think a supercharger would be a much more efficient and practical way to go if you are going to use a forced induction setup. You don't have to worry about the hot exhaust gases heating up the incoming air with a supercharger, either.


PostPosted: 01 Jun 2003 11:36
by Dave-R (Roppa440)
Actually. Compressing air (or any gas) creates heat. So mechanically driven superchargers heat the intake charge too. The worst culprits in this respect are the traditional looking roots type superchargers that sit on the top of the engine.

Modern designs like the Procharger are much more efficient and so heat the air less. But they still respond well to intercooling as it allows more air/fuel in the cylinder before you start getting ignition problems.