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Floor comparison between Challenger and Barracuda

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007 15:41
by christer
A friend of mine is in the process of switching from column shift to floor shift on his ´71 Barracuda. He uses my ´70 Challenger as a template in his work, that is taking pictures, doing measurements and so on. He asked me about exactly WHERE the floor differ if you compare a Barracuda with a Challenger. I told him that the floor on Challengers are longer in the area between the front seat and the back seat. Is this correct? Does anyone have a more specific answer to this question?

(I am quite convinced that the center console is located at the same place on both ´Cudas and Challengers when it comes to the distance to the firewall. Right?)

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007 16:07
by dave-r
Yes. The extra bit is in the rear behind the front seats. Otherwise exactly the same.